Mission, Vision and Core Values Statement
Mission: The LaPenta School of Business provides students with a high-value business education through its accomplished and caring faculty, dedicated alumni, and advantageous location in the New York City metropolitan area with its abundance of learning and career opportunities. We pride ourselves on developing highly competent, global-minded, and entrepreneurial business leaders with a strong ethical and social commitment.
Vision: We deliver an enriching, personalized educational experience that helps each student unlock opportunities and make a difference.
Statement of Core Values:
Serve our students and other stakeholders through outstanding teaching, research, and experiential learning activities.
Expand access to business education by ensuring affordability, supporting student success, and adopting innovative delivery methods.
Promote respect for others and their contributions in order to prepare students for success in a diverse and dynamic global business environment.
Encourage intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of new ideas and creative solutions to business problems to serve the needs of our stakeholders and society in general.
Build partnerships and collaborate with alumni, industry, and the community to improve business education and practice for the benefit of our students and the development of our communities.
Embrace transparency, accountability, and compliance with professional standards to maintain a learning environment of mutual trust and support.
Degree Programs and Requirements
The LaPenta School of Business offers the Masters of Business Administration degree (MBA), Advanced Certificates in interdisciplinary subjects and Master of Science degrees (MS) in Public Accounting and Finance.
Graduate Business Program Educational Objectives
The LaPenta School of Business designed these graduate business programs with the following goals in mind:
Ethical Leadership: Students will identify, evaluate and address ethical issues and social responsibilities in long-term planning and everyday practice.
Strategic Thinking: Students will analyze complex business problems, develop appropriate strategies, and formulate effective solutions.
Oral Communication Skills: Students will design and deliver effective oral presentations.
Written Communication Skills: Students will produce effective written communications.
Content Knowledge: Students will master core business concepts across the disciplines.
MBA Program
The MBA curriculum is designed to provide a broad, integrative approach to business in a flexible format to meet the needs of students with various backgrounds. Students complete a well-rounded core curriculum and a set of electives that can be customized to the student’s interest. Students can choose to complete an optional concentration or advanced certificate within their coursework.
MBA Core Requirements (24 credits)
MBA students take a total of eight core courses (24 credits):
AND one course within each of six core areas (Quantitative Analysis, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, and Information Systems). For each core area, the student takes either the introductory level course or an advanced course in that area, based on their undergraduate preparation and advisor recommendations.
Quantitative Analysis, 3 credits
Accounting, 3 credits
Finance, 3 credits
Marketing, 3 credits
Management, 3 credits
Information Systems, 3 credits
MBA Electives (12 credits)
MBA students are required to take 12 credits of elective courses. Elective credits may be used toward an optional concentration or certificate.
MBA Concentrations and Certificates
MBA concentrations and certificates are not required and may be completed using any MBA program coursework. No more than 6 credits may be shared among concentrations/certificates.
MBA Concentrations
The requirements of each optional concentration are as follows:
Accounting (12 credits)
- Choose any four 500-level or above accounting courses.
Business Analytics (12 credits)
Choose any four of the following five courses:
Financial Management (12 credits)
- Choose any four 500-level or above finance courses.
Information Systems (12 credits)
Choose two of the following courses
Choose any two other lS courses (level 600 and above)
Management (12 credits)
- Choose any four MNG or HRM 500-level or above courses.
Marketing (12 credits)
Students must take any three MKT courses that are 500-level or above plus one course from among the following:
*Students who passed an undergraduate marketing course in any of these 4 subjects can choose any other 500-level or above MKT course as their fourth course in the concentration.
MBA Certificates
Several of the graduate certificates (12-15 credits) can be completed within the MBA for an additional credential. The requirements for each of those can be found here:
Business Continuity and Risk Management Certificate (0506)
Entrepreneurship & Innovation (0599)
Health Care Management Certificate (1202)
Total Requirements for MBA Degree: 36 credits
MS Degree Programs
MS degree programs offer the student the opportunity to focus their studies in a specialized area. We offer the following MS degrees:
Public Accounting, MS (0502)
Finance, MS (0504)
The Advanced Certificate Programs
The Advanced Certificate Programs provide for the opportunity for graduate studies in a multidisciplinary area at the post-baccalaureate level or as part of an MBA degree program. The available Advanced Certificates are:
Advanced Certificate in Business
Business Continuity and Risk Management Certificate (0506)
Entrepreneurship & Innovation (0599) *
Health Care Management Certificate (1202)
* The Advanced Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation (0599) is also available in a fully online format.
The Advanced Certificate Programs are open to all holders of the Baccalaureate degree from regionally-accredited institutions who meet the acceptance criteria for the MBA degree program and the criteria for the chosen Certificate. A completed application file for Advanced Certificate candidate includes the application form and the following:
an official transcript from each undergraduate and graduate institution attended; and
a current resume.
Upon successful completion of the program of study, a certificate will be awarded to the student. In lieu of accepting the chosen Certificate at that time, the student may roll over their Certificate courses into the MBA Program and receive the Certificate with the MBA degree.
- • IS 665 - Expert Systems for Business
- • IS 666 - Current Topics Via Distance Learning
- • IS 680 - Seminar in Business Continuity and Risk Management
- • IS 681 - Security and Privacy Internet
- • IS 682 - Practicum in Business Resiliency
- • IS 684 - Internet Based Application Development
- • IS 685 - Business Analytics with Data Mining
- • IS 686 - Business Analytics with Text Mining
- • IS 690 - Managing Network-Based Applications
- • IS 696 - Risk, Disaster, and Business Continuity Management
- • IS 699 - Independent Research in Information Systems
- • IS 990 - Special Topics in Information Systems
- • MBA 500 - Business Perspectives
- • MBA 510 - Quantitative Tools for Management
- • MBA 520 - Financial Accounting and Reporting
- • MBA 530 - Economics for Managers
- • MBA 550 - Finance for Managers
- • MBA 560 - Marketing Management
- • MBA 570 - Management and Organizational Behavior
- • MBA 580 - Information Systems
- • MBA 710 - Strategic Management
- • MKT 610 - Marketing Research
- • MKT 615 - Consumer Behavior
- • MKT 616 - Brand Management
- • MKT 630 - International Marketing
- • MKT 635 - Management of Marketing Communications
- • MKT 638 - Health Services Planning and Marketing
- • MKT 640 - New Product Development
- • MKT 650 - Business Development Strategies in Sports, Entertainment and Media
- • MKT 651 - Global Entertainment Marketing
- • MKT 655 - International Advertising and Sponsorship
- • MKT 665 - Sales Management
- • MKT 671 - Marketing on the Internet
- • MKT 695 - Marketing Internship
- • MKT 699 - Independent Research in Marketing
- • MKT 994 - Special Topics: Global Fashion Marketing
- • MNG 613 - Leadership and Management in Sports, Entertainment and Media
- • MNG 615 - International Business Management
- • MNG 622 - Cases in Business Crisis Leadership
- • MNG 623 - Business Crisis Leadership
- • MNG 624 - Negotiation
- • MNG 625 - Organization Theory And Design
- • MNG 627 - Management Considerations in Infrastructure Development, Maintenance, and Improvement
- • MNG 631 - e-Commerce Strategy
- • MNG 635 - Knowledge Management
- • MNG 637 - Competitive Business Intelligence
- • MNG 638 - Management, Human Resources and Operations in Sports Entertainment, and Media
- • MNG 640 - The Management Of Innovation And Change
- • MNG 645 - Power And Influence
- • MNG 646 - The Business and Management of Content Creation in Sports, Entertainment and Media
- • MNG 650 - Small Business Management
- • MNG 697 - Managing Facilities and Event Operations in Sports, Entertainment and Media
- • MNG 698 - Managing Sport Organizations
- • MNG 701 - Masters Leadership Project
- • MNG 990 - Special Topics in Management