2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Admission to Undergraduate Programs

Traditional Programs

Traditional students primarily enter directly from high school or transfer directly from another college or university and are generally, but not exclusively, in the age range of 17 to 23. Although there are some exceptions, most classes for traditional students meet three times per week for one hour and take place between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Interested students are welcome to visit the campus, and an appointment is recommended. Generally, visiting students participate in a group information session followed by a group tour led by an Iona student. Individual sessions or formal interviews are available after the tour. To arrange a visit, go to www.iona.edu/visit or contact the campus visit coordinator at (914) 633-2622 or (800) 231-IONA by email at admissions@iona.edu.

New freshmen and transfer students are accepted for both the fall and spring sessions.  Deadlines and other important dates are listed in the table below:

Type of Application Deadline Decisions Mailed Deposit Due
Early Decision December 1 December 15 February 1
Early Action December 15 January 31 May 1*
Regular Decision February 15* by April 1 May 1*
Fall Transfers August 1* Rolling Indicated in Admissions Letter
Spring Freshmen December 20* Rolling January 10*
Spring Transfers December 20* Rolling January 10*

* Applications will be accepted after these dates as space is available. Please contact the Office of Admissions for more information.

How Iona Selects Freshman Applicants

Iona University seeks individuals who want to be ethical and skilled decision-makers as well as be motivated by leadership and service. We select freshmen based on a competitive high school curriculum, grades in academic subjects, extracurricular experiences, and essay. Submission of SAT/ACT scores is optional.  Personal characteristics and potential to succeed are highly valued.  

To be a competitive candidate for admission, an applicant should have taken a strong university preparatory curriculum that includes at least 16 units. Generally, this will include the following, but may vary by individual:

English 4 units
Foreign Language 2 units *
Mathematics 4 units
Natural Science 3 units **
Social Studies 3 units


* Both units of a foreign language should be in the same language.

** The science curriculum should include two laboratory sciences.

In order to be considered as a freshman, a student must submit the following information:

  1. An application for admission accompanied by the $50 application fee payable to Iona University.
  2. Official high school transcripts.
  3. SAT or ACT scores (optional).
  4. Letter of Recommendation.
  5. Essay

International Students

Definition: An international student is neither a US citizen nor a permanent resident of the US (green card holder).

Application Deadline: February 15 for the fall semester, November 1 for the spring semester.

Iona University welcomes international students and fifty countries are currently represented in the student body. Many international students enjoy the University’s proximity to New York City and the educational and cultural opportunities available there.

The following documents must be submitted to complete the application process:

  1. Complete application accompanied by the $50 application fee, payable in US dollars.
  2. Results of an English proficiency examination. Students whose secondary studies were conducted in a language other than English must provide the results of either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (www.est.org/toefl), or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Students who take the TOEFL must achieve a score of 80 on the internet-based test IBT; a score of 213 on the computer-based test; or a score of 550 on the paper-based test. Students who take the IELTS must achieve a score of at least 6.5. If English is the applicant’s first language, submit SAT or ACT scores. (NOTE: All applicants interested in participating in the intercollegiate athletics must supply results of SAT or ACT.)
  3. Official transcripts, mark sheets, external examination results or leaving certificates appropriate to your country, (such as “O” or “A” levels, CXC’s, Baccalaureate, WAEC’s, or Abitur) or other academic documents for both secondary school and any colleges or universities attended. These documents should be in the original language and accompanied by an English translation performed by an official translator or by the institution issuing the document.
  4. Transfer students must have college or university level documents evaluated on a course-by-course basis by one of the evaluation services recognized by NACES (www.NACES.org). World Education Services (www.wes.org) is preferred.
  5. An application for Form I-20, an Iona University form that supplies the information required to issue an I-20. This includes information about how the student will pay for his or her education at Iona.

For more information about the admission or visa application processes, please contact the international student adviser in the Office of Admissions at (914) 633-2622 or (800) 231-IONA.

Applying as a Transfer Student


A transfer is a student who has completed classes at another college or university after graduating from high school, or after achieving a GED (certification that the test taker has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills). A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 is expected for regular admission.

(Special program requirements: for entry into the Nursing and Education programs, a 3.0 GPA is required; for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-physical therapy and pre-veterinary programs, an overall GPA of 3.0 is required, with a 3.2 in science courses.)

To apply as a transfer student, an applicant must submit the following documents:

  1. An application for admission accompanied by the $50 application fee payable to Iona University. Apply online at www.iona.edu/apply.
  2. Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended (course descriptions may be required before transfer credit can be officially awarded).
  3. An official high school transcript if an applicant has attempted fewer than 24 college credits. If a GED was obtained, an official copy of the certificate and results are required.
  4. International students with previous college experience have additional requirements outlined in the International Student section. Admissions deadlines outlined in that section are for freshman applicants only.

Upon acceptance, each student will receive an approximate evaluation of credits accepted for transfer after all transcripts have been received and reviewed.

Note: Veterans of the United States Armed Forces should also submit a copy of their Separation Qualification Record, showing service training and schools completed.

Transfer Policies

The following policies apply to all transferring students seeking admission to baccalaureate degree programs. The Center for Advising and Academic Services assists students in planning programs that allow students to graduate in the shortest period of time.

A maximum of 64 credits may be accepted upon transfer from all combined accredited two-year institutions and training programs. A maximum of 90 credits in total may be accepted in transfer from all combined accredited two- and four-year institutions and training programs. In all instances, transcripts will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis by the advisors of the Center for Advising and Academic Services for the most beneficial use of credit.

Policies are as follows:

  1. All transferring students must fulfill the Columba Cornerstone requirement of the Liberal Arts Core.
  2. All transferring students must complete at least one half of their major credits while at Iona University.
  3. All transferring students must complete the specific degree requirements of the major including all pre- and co-requisites.
  4. All transferring students to business programs must complete the major and the Business Core.
  5. Transferring students who have completed their entire AA or AS degree from an accredited institution and have also earned a cumulative GPA* of 2.5 will have satisfied the Liberal Arts Core.
  6. All transferring students from an accredited four-year institution, who have also achieved a cumulative GPA* of 2.5, and who will have at least 60 credits transferred to Iona University, will have satisfied the Liberal Arts Core.
  7. All transferring students who have earned credit in a form other than that from an accredited two- or four-year institution (for example, CLEP, ACE, PONSI, and others) will receive credit appropriate to their academic program as evaluated by and at the discretion of the Advising Center, in consultation with the appropriate Dean’s office. Non-academic skills training or specialized programmatic training that does not relate to or align with the University curriculum may not be accepted.

* Cumulative GPA (grade point average) is assessed as the average of all previous grades earned and evaluated from all institutions.

Applying as a Nursing Post Baccalaureate Student


Iona University is currently offering admission into an accelerated second-degree program that confers a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing.  A post baccalaureate student is a student who has completed a bachelor’s degree in addition to graduating from high school, or after achieving a GED (certification that the test taker has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills).  A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 is expected for admission in addition to the requirements below:

  • Completion of the following courses with a “B” or better within 5 years of application:
    • Chemistry*
    • Microbiology*
    • Anatomy and Physiology*
    • Developmental Psychology
    • College-level algebra or higher
    • College-level statistics
    • Ethics (preferably bio or medical ethics)

* Sciences must include an in-person laboratory component.

  • To apply as a post baccalaureate student, the applicant must submit the following:
    • An application for admission accompanied by the $50 application fee payable to Iona University. Applications can be submitted online through the website.
    • Official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.

Falsification or Omission of Documents

Falsification, misrepresentation or omission of any part of the application is grounds for denying admission. If a student has been accepted, enrolled or graduated based upon false, misrepresented or omitted information, it may lead to suspension or dismissal from the University or revocation of the person’s Iona University degree.

General Educational Development Diploma (GED)

Iona University will occasionally admit students with a General Educational Development (GED) Diploma. Students submitting a GED should have a score of at least 500 in each section, and an overall score of 2800.

Students submitting a GED diploma must do the following to apply for admission:

  1. Submit official GED diploma and score report.
  2. Submit official transcripts from all high schools attended, even though no diploma was earned.
  3. Write an essay that describes why s/he did not achieve a regular diploma and why s/he is now ready to enter a post-secondary institution. If the student has been out of school for some time, the essay should include a job history and a statement of career goals.
  4. Arrange for an interview with a member of the Admissions staff.

NOTE: Unless home-schooled, students with GEDs will rarely be admitted during the year they would have graduated from high school, unless there are extraordinary circumstances.  Those circumstances should be addressed in the essay and interview.

Readmission of Iona Students

If a student has not registered at Iona for a period of at least one academic year (two consecutive semesters), or who seek to return to study after a separation from the University, the student shall:

  1. File an application for readmission with the Center for Advising and Academic Services.
  2. Upon notification from the Advising Center, schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss current requirements. Procedures vary according to the conditions under which a student discontinued studies. Generally, students who are readmitted to the University are required to observe the core, degree, and major requirements in effect at the time of readmission.
  3. Readmission deadlines are May 1 for the summer, August 1 for the fall, and December 1 for the spring term.
  4. Submit proof of immunization (see Immunization Requirements).

Immunization Requirements

Measles, Mumps and Rubella

New York State Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167 require certain immunizations for all university and other post-secondary students born after January 1, 1957.

In order to attend in-person or online classes, all students must provide proof of immunity against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.

Proof of compliance for MMR may be obtained from physician records, previous school records, or serological testing and must be uploaded to the health portal.


All students (residential and commuter) must acknowledge the risks involved with Meningitis and are aware of the recommendation to receive the Meningitis Vaccine.

Iona University requires all residential students to receive the Meningitis Vaccine within 5 years of enrollment date.

Students are required to upload proof of receiving the vaccine. Proof of vaccine must include the name/ type of Meningitis Vaccine, date(s) of the administration and signature of a medical doctor or nurse practitioner. 

Students who commuting (not living on campus) must acknowledge receipt of information regarding meningococcal disease and has an option to decline the Meningitis Vaccine.

All health records are required to be uploaded to the health portal. Paper copies will not be accepted.

Special Admission Categories

Active Members of the Armed Forces and Veterans

Qualified applicants who have postponed or interrupted their college education due to military service are invited to enroll. For information on how to apply, please contact the Office of Admissions at (914) 633-2622 or email admissions@iona.edu. Iona University is fully approved by the Veterans Administration and other agencies to conduct university-level education programs for veterans under Federal and State laws. Students who qualify for benefits should contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (914) 633-2497 or sfs@iona.edu for information regarding benefits to which they are entitled under these programs. Detailed benefits information is also available online at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill. In addition, there are resources available for veterans through many student services offices such as events and campus organizations.

Visiting Students

Students who wish to take selected courses, but not apply for a degree or certificate program may take classes as a visiting student. At the discretion of the appropriate Dean’s Office, credits taken in this status may be applied toward a degree or certificate program if the student is admitted to such at a later date. A maximum of 30 credits may be taken as a visiting student. In order to take courses as a visiting student, the following must be submitted:

  • Completed visiting student form
  • Copy of transcripts
  • Photocopy of most recent photo ID
  • Headshot in JPEG format

All items can be faxed to (914) 633-2182 or emailed to visit@iona.edu.

Registration Process

The Registrar’s Office is located in McSpedon Hall, Rm. 201. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Iona University and the Registrar’s Office provides online services to students through Iona’s PeopleSoft self-service platform. PeopleSoft is available 24 hours a day on and off campus and is accessible via the MyIona Single Sign-On System (SSO). Continuing degree-seeking students use PeopleSoft to:

  • Register and drop classes (See specific access details below)
  • View schedules and grades
  • Order transcripts
  • Request enrollment verifications
  • Access financial aid and tuition bill information

Registration for the University’s Fall and Spring terms opens online per the dates published in the Academic Calendars. PeopleSoft advanced online registration for continuing students usually begins in October for the Winter session, Spring semester, Winter and Spring trimesters, and March for the Summer sessions, Fall semester and trimester. Online enrollment appointments are assigned by class standing (credits earned). The Registrar’s Office sends email notification to inform students of their appointment times for online registration. Appointments are also viewable in each student’s PeopleSoft account.

Continuing degree students may drop most courses from their schedules using PeopleSoft, however they cannot remove every section. If a student is registered but decides not to attend Iona University after starting registration, they must contact the Student Success Office. After the proper procedure is followed, the Registrar’s Office will remove all remaining courses from the student’s registration.

IMPORTANT: Registered courses are NOT AUTOMATICALLY DROPPED from a student’s schedule if they decide not to attend Iona University​! Depending on access level, courses must be dropped either using PeopleSoft or by requesting the drop via email. Students will be held liable for tuition charges and fees for classes that remain on a registration after a term begins.