2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


Graduate programs in education at Iona University prepare individuals for professional service in schools by offering a variety of degree options. Programs are available for those interested in changing careers or embarking on a career in education, as well as for teachers and school administrators who desire career advancement through provisional or permanent certification.


Chair: C. Hardigree; Assistant Chair: K. Branson Gmuer; Professor Emeritus: P. Antonacci; Professor: M. Leipold; Associate Professor: C. Hardigree; Assistant Professor: K. Branson Gmuer; Director of Pre-Student Teaching Fieldwork: S. Plass

EDU Student Learning Objectives

All candidate/completers:

  • demonstrate commitment to the teaching profession;
  • are knowledgeable of content and pedagogy;
  • apply educational research and learning theory to practice;
  • engage positively with local and global communities; and
  • use assessment to inform instruction.

Iona is a member in good standing of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) and is working toward accreditation of its educator preparation programs under the AAQEP standards.

Admission to the Program

Conditional Status:

See “Academic Information - Conditional” in this catalog for requirements to be met in addition to the following:

Matriculated Status:

See “Academic Information - Matriculated Status” in this catalog for requirements to be met, in addition to the following:

  • Official transcripts demonstrating an undergraduate GPA of a 3.0 or above. *Students with undergraduate GPAs below 3.0 may be considered for Conditional Admission; these candidates are required to write a letter explaining the extenuating circumstances influencing their academic performance and their potential for making a positive contribution to the teaching profession.
  • A Statement of Purpose detailing the student’s professional aspirations and the reasons why they consider themselves a qualified candidate.
  • Letters of recommendation from undergraduate faculty or professional supervisors.
  • Demonstration of dispositions appropriate to the teaching profession, including professional demeanor and ethical conduct.

The Education Department’s faculty will evaluate all requests for admission to the program and monitor each candidate’s performance and professional dispositions throughout the program.


For Master of Science in Teaching (MST) Programs:

  • Possession of an undergraduate degree, including any pre-requisites required for the chosen subject area concentration.
  • Pre-requisite undergraduate courses in Education and the Adolescent concentration area must have a grade of C or above; pre-requisite graduate courses in Education and the Adolescent concentration area must have a grade of B- or above.

For Master of Science in Education (MSEd) programs:

  • Completion of the academic requirements for an initial classroom teaching certificate in another certificate title.
  • Possession of a New York State Initial or Professional Teaching certificate is preferred. Fifty to 100 hours of pre-practicum fieldwork will be required of MSEd students who do not attain initial certification in advance of the practicum course.

For Master of Science in Educational Leadership program:

  • Possession of a New York State Initial or Professional Teaching certificate.
  • Evidence of a minimum of 3 years of full time, paid, approved teaching and/or supervisory and/or administrative and/or pupil personnel service. Substitute positions will not be credited.

Continuation in the Program

  1. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0, they will be put on probation for a single academic semester, during which they will be able to continue in their education courses. They will not be able to register for any additional program courses, however, until their semester grades are submitted and they have reaised their cumulative GPA back to the 3.0 minimum. If they fail to raise their GPA to a 3.0 by the end of the probationary semester, they will be dismissed from the program.
  2. All students must earn a grade of B- or above in all Education courses, including student teaching. Students enrolled in the Adolescent Education programs must earn a grade of B- or above in their concentration area courses. If a student earns below a grade of B-, the course must be repeated.
  3. Students must continue to demonstrate dispositions appropriate to the teaching profession throughout the program, including professional demeanor and ethical conduct. Students who fail to demonstrate appropriate dispositions will not be granted student teaching placements. Failure to demonstrate appropriate dispositions may result in immediate dismissal from fieldwork, student teaching, or the program.

New York State Teacher Certification

Students who successfully complete all program requirements and who demonstrate dispositions appropriate to the teaching profession will be recommended for New York State teaching certification in the area(s) appropriate to their degree program. Students are responsible for completing all other requirements for certification, including fingerprinting, mandated workshops, and teacher certification exams; students are responsible for the costs associated with all New York State teacher certification requirements, including transportation costs associated with clinical experiences. Information on the requirements of each certificate is provided here: https://eservices.nysed.gov/teach/certhelp/CertRequirementHelp.do Certification information is also available via the Iona Education Department homepage.


    Master of Science in EducationMaster of Science in TeachingCertificate