2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

Academic Policies

Course Requirements

At the beginning of each semester, instructors are required to state the objectives of the course, outline all course requirements, indicate criteria to be used in evaluating the performance of students, and announce when a final examination will be given. The schedule of final examinations is published by the Office of the Registrar and can be found on the Web at www.iona.edu/registrar.

Attendance Policy

Attendance in class and laboratory sessions is recorded from the first class meeting of the semester. Students are expected to accept personal responsibility for absences and are responsible for fulfilling all requirements and completing all assignments in each course. They will likewise be held responsible for the entire content of each course. Instructors are not required to provide a substitute test or quiz if students are absent from the class session during which the test or quiz is given. If students are absent from laboratory periods, field trips and similar class sessions, they cannot expect that any special arrangements (e.g. setting up laboratory apparatus) will be made for them to complete work that was missed. A student who has been absent from 20% or more of the scheduled class sessions (including examinations) will be dismissed from the class and assigned the failing grade “FA.” It is within the professor’s discretion to determine if the reasons for absences justifies an exemption from the policy. Any absence from class as a matter of principle is undesirable and may preclude the meeting of requirements as delineated in individual course syllabi.

Reporting Absences

When a student is absent from three successive sessions of a course, the instructor may alert the office of the appropriate academic dean and the Office of Student Success. The student will be directed to contact his or her Academic Advisor in order to discuss the reasons for the absences, and to speak with the professor of the course, as appropriate.

Students will also receive an automated notification via email through the PeopleSoft system regarding absenteeism from a class when 15% and 20% of the class meetings in a given term have been missed, and the risk for failure if absenteeism is not addressed.

Credit Hour

In any semester, 15 periods of instruction of 52 minutes each, or 15 laboratory periods of two clock hours each, normally constitute one credit hour. Variations from this standard are indicated in the descriptions for affected courses. Examinations and quizzes are included within the 15 periods. In addition to the periods of instruction, at least 30 hours of supplementary assignments are also required per credit.


The following symbols are used in rating academic performance:


Letter Grade

Grade Point and Grade Scale





Outstanding. Signifies the highest level of achievement in the subject and indicates an exceptional general competence, and exemplary comprehension and interpretation skills. Work is devoid of errors, and reflects a highly nuanced understanding of disciplinary concepts.




Excellent.  Signifies an advanced level of achievement approaching the highest category.  Work contains a few minor errors, but reflects a mastery of disciplinary concepts.




Very Good. Signifies a consistently high level of achievement and indicates that the course requirements have been fulfilled in an intelligent, superior manner.  Work contains some minor errors, but reflects a near mastery of disciplinary concepts.




Good.  Signifies a complex engagement with disciplinary content, and well developed critical skills. Work contains several minor, but no significant errors.




Above Average. Signifies a more than acceptable degree of disciplinary knowledge and skills.  Work contains some significant and some minor errors.  




Satisfactory. Signifies consistent achievement of a quality that satisfies, and sometimes exceeds stated, basic requirements. Work contains significant errors and patterns of error, but reflects an acceptable degree of disciplinary knowledge and skills.




Fair. Signifies achievement of a quality that satisfies the stated, basic requirements of coursework, and a functional, though incomplete understanding of disciplinary concepts.




Poor. Signifies a level of understanding below the basic level expected of students.  Work contains many errors, including patterns of error, and reflects only partial understanding of disciplinary concepts.




Minimal Passing. Signifies a level of understanding well below the basic level expected of students.  Work is consistently riddled with errors and patterns of error, and reflects only a minimal understanding of disciplinary concepts.



Passing. Signifies satisfactory completion of course requirements and the earning of credit without quality points.

* U


Unsatisfactory. No quality points assigned.

** F



Failure. Signifies failure to meet basic course requirements.

*** FA


Failure - Excessive Absence. Signifies dismissal from a course for unacceptable academic performance and absence from 20 percent or more of the scheduled class sessions. Requests for this grade are filed by the faculty member with the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled. This grade is computed as an “F” in the cumulative index.

** I


Incomplete: If for serious reasons, students are unable to complete one or more requirements of a course, including the final examination, students may wish to apply for an “Incomplete.” Students must submit a written request for review and approval to the course instructor by the last day of classes. If the request is granted, the time to submit incomplete work from previous semester(s) is the date published in the academic calendar. The faculty member will notify the student of the missing assignment(s) and examinations with the option to give a due date before the one posted on the academic calendar. A faculty member also has the option to give an Incomplete to a student that has missed the final examination. Instructors are responsible to notify their academic dean of the granting of an Incomplete grade. In all cases of “Incomplete” grades, if the course requirements are not met within the extended period of time, the final grade will be recorded at the discretion of the instructor.

** W


Withdrawal. Signifies withdrawal from a course with permission of the Academic Advising Office or appropriate academic dean.



Audit. Signifies that a course was not taken for credit.



Satisfactory Progress. Signifies that a course is not complete as of the end of the present semester, but is continuing.

* Students who receive a grade of “U” in ENG 120 must repeat these courses.

** Refer to “Registration” section of this bulletin for details.

*** Failure - Excessive Absences Policy (FA Grade)
Attendance in class and laboratory sessions is recorded from the first day of the semester. Students are expected to accept personal responsibility for absences, and are responsible for fulfilling all requirements and completing all assignments in each course. Instructors are not required to provide a substitute test or quiz if students are absent from the class session during which the test or quiz is given. If students are absent from laboratory periods, field trips and similar class sessions, they cannot expect that any special arrangements (e.g., setting up laboratory apparatus) will be made for them to complete work that was missed. Any absence from class as a matter of principle is undesirable and may preclude the meeting of requirements as delineated in individual course syllabi. A student who is absent from 20% or more of scheduled class sessions (including examinations) may be dismissed from the class and assigned the failing grade of FA, at the discretion of the instructor of the course.

Incomplete Grade Policy

If for serious reasons, students are unable to complete one or more requirements of a course, including the final examination, students may wish to apply for an “Incomplete.” Students must submit a written request for review and approval to the course instructor by the last day of classes. If the request is granted, the time to submit incomplete work from previous semester(s) is the date published in the academic calendar. The faculty member will notify the student of the missing assignment(s) and examinations with the option to give a due date before the one posted on the academic calendar. A faculty member also has the option to give an Incomplete to a student that has missed the final examination. Instructors are responsible to notify their academic dean of the granting of an Incomplete grade. In all cases of “Incomplete” grades, if the course requirements are not met within the extended period of time, the final grade will be recorded at the discretion of the instructor.

Appeal of Assigned Grade

Students who believe that an error has been made in the assignment of a grade should discuss with the instructor the basis upon which the grade was determined. If, after this review of the grading criteria for the course and the student’s performance in it, the student is not satisfied with the assigned grade, an appeal may be made to the department chair. Such appeal must be made in writing, stating the basis upon which the grade is questioned and requesting a departmental review. If, following the review, the student is not satisfied with the departmental decision; final appeal may be made to the academic dean of the department involved.

FA excessive absence grades are awarded as a matter of policy and may not be appealed.

A student has until the tenth day of the new semester to have a grade other than “I” changed. If a formal appeal is in progress, the date will be extended until the appeal is duly processed.

Cumulative Index

The cumulative index is computed by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credits attempted. The number of quality points assigned to each grade is given below:


Quality Points Per Credit



Quality Points Per Credit






























Unsatisfactory. No Quality Points





Pass. No Quality Points





Audit. No Quality Points

*Converted to an “F” if a grade change is not filed by the deadline date indicated in the academic calendar.

The cumulative index is computed for each student at the end of each semester and, for those students who attend the summer sessions or intersession, at the end of those sessions.

Leave of Absence

Students who are in good academic and disciplinary standing and wish to leave the College for up to two semesters, or a year, after which they intend to return, should take a leave of absence. A leave of absence is a temporary absence from the program of study, due to medical, personal or other reasons. The granting of a leave of absence guarantees readmission to the degree program in which the student was enrolled. Eligibility for this option is contingent upon students maintaining matriculation in the term(s) they are out of attendance. Written application for a leave of absence is handled through the Center for Advising and Academic Services. Students who resume studies after a leave of absence shall be subject to the academic program requirements, and curriculum, as if they had continued without interruption. Students not returning from an approved leave of absence will be treated as withdrawn from the College.

Maintaining Matriculation

Maintaining matriculation is a change in status with the College that keeps a students’ Iona email, PeopleSoft and access to all campus services active. Maintaining matriculation must be authorized by the Center for Advising and Academic Services, prior to the start of the term in question. A nominal fee applies.

Fresh Start Rule

Students with a cumulative index below 2.0 who leave Iona, either voluntarily or as a result of academic suspension, and who seek reinstatement after a lapse of three calendar years, may apply for a “fresh start” by an appropriate petition accompanying a readmission application. Subsequent to reinstatement, students choosing the “fresh start” option must complete a minimum of 30 credits, 12 of which must be in a major area. All grades must meet the required 2.0 index in both the major and cumulative grade point average.

The granting of a “fresh start” will be noted on the student’s official transcript. Credits earned before reinstatement shall be treated as transfer credits for the purposes of the calculation of the cumulative index and for the determination of future academic status. No credit will be given for “D” grades. Credits earned after reinstatement will be calculated in the regular cumulative index. All grades will be used for calculation toward graduation honors. The “fresh start” policy may be applied only once. Students who were academically dismissed are not eligible for reinstatement, or for this privilege.

In exceptional cases, a similar index amnesty may be applied to students with a cumulative index of less than 2.0 who wish to change from one degree program to another. The following conditions are necessary: permission of the appropriate academic dean; the credits attempted at the time of the request are at least 12, but not more than 48; the original choice of a degree program has been recognized as not being in a student’s best interest; and endorsement has been obtained from appropriate counseling and academic personnel that such a change would be of benefit to the student. The granting of index amnesty for a curriculum change does not remove any sanctions imposed for the last semester prior to the change of curriculum. Such index amnesty is granted only once.

Student Classifications

Matriculated students are those who, having met the requirements for admission to Iona College, are accepted as degree candidates and fall into one of the following categories:

Freshmen Students who have earned fewer than 24 credits.
Sophomores Students who have earned at least 24 but not more than 53 credits.
Juniors Students who have earned at least 54 but not more than 83 credits.
Seniors Students who have earned at least 84 credits but have not completed the bachelor’s degree.
Graduate Students Students accepted as candidates for a master’s degree.
Visiting or Special Students Students visiting from other institutions of higher education or postgraduate students admitted to undergraduate study. These students are not candidates for a degree at Iona.
Auditors Students who enroll for informational instruction only. Regular attendance at class is customary without other participation and without credit.

Academic Standards

Iona College is committed to the pursuit of excellence. To that end, it has developed academic standards and policies to recognize those whose academic performance merits praise or to encourage those whose performance holds promise.

Academic Standing

Iona College recognizes a student’s candidacy for a degree by granting matriculation status. All matriculated students are recognized as being in good standing. Iona further recognizes that students perform at different levels of achievement and, accordingly, has established different levels of good standing. The below levels of good standing are based on fall and spring performance and do not take into account course work in the January Intersession or summer sessions.

Honors Level

is awarded to encourage the pursuit of excellence and to reward academic achievement through public recognition (inclusion in the semesters honors lists and the conferring of degrees with honors), and through the granting of academic privileges. Criterion - a minimum cumulative index of 3.5.

Preferred Level

is granted to encourage the pursuit of excellence and to recognize academic achievement that is above average by allowing students to avail themselves of certain academic privileges. Criterion - a minimum cumulative index of 2.5.

Acceptable Level

Acceptable Level is recognized when students are progressing at a level consistent with norms for graduation and warrant a semester course load of 15 credits. Criterion - a minimum semester index and cumulative index of 2.0.

Probationary Level

Probation is granted to students whose performance falls below the norm for graduation but who, in the judgment of the Committee on Academic Standing, give evidence of ability to improve their academic record and to benefit from special academic counseling. Criterion - a semester or cumulative index below 2.0.

Academic Standing For Non-Degree Students

Visiting undergraduate non-degree students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA and visiting graduate non-degree students must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA to maintain eligibility to return for registration in upcoming terms. Iona College reserves the right to deny registration for future semesters if these GPA levels are not met. Visiting non-degree students cannot exceed 30.0 cumulative credits of course work in visiting status. Visitors must then apply to the College to matriculate into a degree program.

Honors Program

The Iona College Honors Program attracts the most able and highly motivated students at the College and challenges them to develop their talents and stretch their capabilities. Grounded in an interdisciplinary, rigorous curriculum marked by an accelerated course of study, students in the Honors Program embody Iona’s mission, the mission of the Christian Brothers, and Catholic Higher education. In support of these traditions, the Honors Program seeks to help students:

  • attain the highest levels of academic achievement and intellectual growth
  • develop the skills and qualities of mind intrinsic to a liberal education (i.e., abstract reasoning, critical thinking, textual analysis)
  • become independent and creative scholars in a field of inquiry
  • foster social and ethical awareness, as well as leadership skills, through participation in and service to the community
  • prepare for a range of post-graduate endeavors, including graduate and professional schools, corporate sector jobs, service professions, and volunteer work.

Honors Program students achieve their goals with the support of the Program Director, creative faculty, and intellectually challenging mentors.

In order to create an environment wherein students can flourish academically, socially and culturally, the Honors Program balances a rigorous curriculum with active student life, both on and off campus.

Honors students are held to the highest standards of conduct and are considered to be exemplars of the Iona mission. All Honors students are required to sign a statement of Intellectual Responsibility, which stipulates that any Honors student found guilty of intellectual dishonesty will be asked to leave the program.  

The curriculum requires students to read both widely and deeply in foundational texts culled from the major disciplines in the humanities: philosophy, history, religious studies and literature. The four-semester humanities sequence balances this rather conservative approach to texts with a team-teaching approach that allows students to understand-and participate in-the centuries-long conversations sparked by these texts.

In addition to the humanities courses, students in the program take courses specifically tailored to their advanced capabilities; honors courses are also deliberately kept small so that honors students can benefit from a seminar-style environment wherever that approach seems appropriate. Students are mentored throughout their college career by the director of Honors, who can help match students’ individual interests and talents with thesis advisors.

Students in the Honors Program enjoy other benefits in addition to small classes. At Iona, students in the Honors Program live in an Honors living/learning community.  As part of this living experience they participate in outings that have included trips into Manhattan for walking tours of city neighborhoods, to see Broadway plays, and to explore the vibrant cultural life of New York City.

Additionally, students receive six free credits per academic year, which they can use during the regular academic term, during summer sessions, the January Intersession, or for study abroad. These credits also facilitate double majors and/or accelerate graduation.  Honors students have priority registration, making it easier for students to arrange their complicated schedules.  Student representatives serve along with faculty members and administrators on the Honors Council, the policy-making body of the Honors Program. Honors students can also apply to the American Express Fund, which was established from a grant received from the American Express Foundation. Honor students can apply for these monies for a variety of purposes. Grant proposals most likely to receive approval are those that make possible academic research, a humanitarian or spiritual experience, or intellectual or artistic pursuit that is outside of the standard curricular and programmatic boundaries of the College.

High school students are recruited for the Honors Program on the basis of their Iona application and an essay specific for scholarship consideration.  Students must have a GPA of 3.5 or 95% and an SAT I score of 1300 (MATH/CR), or ACT score of 29 in order to be considered. Those who are accepted into the program must maintain a 3.33 cumulative GPA. Honors Program students may major in any discipline in the School of Arts and Science or the School of Business.

Participation Requirements

During freshman and sophomore years, students are required to take the Honors humanities seminar. Offered as four three-credit courses, the humanities seminar introduces students to the central concepts of philosophy, history, literature and religious studies in an interdisciplinary fashion. In their first two years, students also take Honors Composition. Students complete the humanities core curriculum by taking upper level courses in the humanities and social sciences. To fulfill the science and mathematics core, honors students are expected to take calculus and a lab science (biology, chemistry or physics). To fulfill their other core requirements, students are also expected to take a course in Computer science, Fine arts, and two courses in both the Social sciences (economics, political science, psychology, sociology) and modern languages.

In recognition of the importance of an international perspective, students in the Honors Degree Program are encouraged to study abroad.

An important element of the mission of the Honors Program is to encourage the development of leadership skills and service to others. Students in the Honors program are required to contribute to the Iona College community as peer mentors, tutors,  research assistants, or in comparable volunteer activities beginning after their freshman year.

Juniors take the junior honors colloquium that helps students to prepare to write their senior honors thesis. Students in the colloquium explore their individual fields of interest more deeply than they might in a traditional classroom setting. They meet regularly with Iona faculty members from across the disciplines and listen to the faculty discuss their own scholarly and professional projects, and they hone the writing skills they will need to produce a successful senior thesis and to create strong applications for post-baccalaureate study and job searches.

The culmination of the program is the completion of a senior thesis undertaken with a faculty mentor. Seniors present the results of their research in a conference setting open to the College community.

Any violation of the College’s Code of Conduct may result in dismissal from the Honors Degree Program, and loss of scholarship.

Special Honors courses are taken in the following sequence:

  Freshman Year  
Fall Semester: HON 101   Honors Humanities Seminar I
Spring Semester:

HON 102          

HON 109  

Honors Humanities Seminar II

Composition for Honors Degree Program

  Sophomore Year  
Fall Semester: HON 201   Honors Humanities Seminar III
Spring Semester: HON 202   Honors Humanities Seminar IV
  Junior Year  
Fall Semester: HON 401   Honors Pro-Seminar
  Senior Year  
Fall Semester: HON 402   Senior Research for Honors Degree Program

Students who successfully complete all requirements of the Honors Program, including presenting their senior research project, are awarded honors medals at the end of senior year. These students receive special recognition during the Spring Honors Convocation and an honors seal is affixed to their diplomas. Completion of the program is noted on official transcripts.

Honors Program Scholarships

Honors Program applicants are considered for highly prestigious scholarships. Much is expected of these students in terms of standards for admission, as well as ongoing academic performance. Historically, students who successfully complete the four-year program - which includes internships at some of the country’s best-known companies - can anticipate interest from America’s largest firms and from graduate programs at institutions such as Columbia, Stony Brook, Fordham and Georgetown Universities.

Scholarships are awarded based on a student’s GPA, SAT combined score, and their application essay to the Iona College Honors Program. Recipients of these scholarships typically have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, and a combined SAT score above 1260.

Any Honors student receiving a scholarship is required to fully participate in the Honor’s program each term in order to maintain his/her scholarship.

Honor Societies

Various honor societies at Iona sponsor activities that are specifically designed for students who are striving for academic excellence and who wish to pursue their disciplines beyond the requirements and the exposure of the classroom. Requirements for membership differ according to the constitution of each society, but academic performance as measured by students’ cumulative index is always an important consideration. According to their interests and abilities, students might hold membership in one or more of the following societies:

  • Alpha Kappa Delta (International Honor Society in Sociology)
  • Alpha Mu Gamma (National University Foreign Language Honor Society)
  • Beta Alpha Psi, The International Accounting Honor Society
  • Beta Beta Beta (National Biology Honor Society)
  • Beta Gamma Sigma (Honors Society for AACSB accredited business programs)
  • Gamma Sigma Epsilon (Chemistry)
  • Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society)
  • Financial Management Association Honor Society
  • Golden Key International Honour Society
  • Gamma Kappa Alpha (Italian)
  • Sigma Delta Pi (National Spanish Honor Society)
  • Lambda Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)
  • Kappa Tau Alpha (Mass Communication Honor Society)
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon (National Honor Society in Economics)
  • Phi Alpha (National Social Work Honor Society)
  • Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society)
  • Pi Lambda Theta (Education Honor Society)
  • Pi Mu Epsilon (National Mathematics Honor Society)
  • Phi Sigma Tau (Philosophy)
  • Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society)
  • Psi Chi (National Psychology Honor Society)
  • Sigma Iota Rho (International Studies Honor Society)
  • Sigma Pi Sigma (National Honor Society in Physics)
  • Sigma Tau Delta (National Honor Society in English)
  • Speech Communication Honor Society
  • Theta Alpha Kappa (National Religious Studies Honor Society)
  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon (National Honor Society in Computer Science)
  • Delta Epsilon Sigma

Iona also sponsors a chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National Honor Society of Colleges with a Catholic tradition. Membership is highly selective. Qualifying seniors are inducted annually.

By inviting carefully selected students to its membership, the Cornelian Honor Society recognizes leadership in curricular and non-curricular activities, service to the community, and scholastic achievement.

Academic Privileges

Iona provides a number of academic privileges to encourage excellence not only in the acquisition of knowledge but also in using knowledge in everyday life. These privileges enable students to explore new areas, to put theory into practice, and to give expression to the ideal of service to others. Students with honors-level standing and preferred level standing, with the requisite permission and provided they meet specified criteria may avail themselves of the following privileges:

  • admission to honors societies
  • admission to honors courses
  • credit by examination
  • courses beyond degree requirements
  • graduate courses
  • independent study
  • index-free grading

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation, students must:

  1. Earn a minimum of 120 credits for a BA, and 120 credits for a BBA. Some BS degrees require more than 120 credits (check the major description for details);
  2. Satisfactorily complete all requirements of the degree program in which they are registered, including the capstone experience which may be set by departments and schools; and
  3. Maintain a minimum average of “C” (i.e., 2.0) in both their major index and overall cumulative index. The major and cumulative indices will be calculated based on the method indicated in the Academic Information section of this catalog.

To participate in the Spring Commencement ceremony the following requirements must be met:

Baccalaureate Degree Students:

Must have no more than 6 outstanding credits or 2 classes at the end of the spring semester. These final credits must be completed over the summer either at Iona or, with permission from The Center for Advising, in consultation with the Major department, at another college. Proof of enrollment for the outstanding credits MUST be presented and verified.

Degree Candidate Form

A student bears the responsibility of informing the College of his/her intention to graduate. All degree candidates must file an online Degree Candidate Form available in their PeopleSoft accounts with the Registrar’s Office at least six months prior to the expected date of graduation. Deadlines appear in the academic calendar. Failure to submit this form prior to the time of final registration may result in the postponement of degree conferral.

Degrees are awarded in January, June and August. A formal graduation ceremony is conducted only once each year, in May. All questions relating to graduation should be directed to your dean’s office or program coordinator. Diploma availability is posted on the Registrar’s website under the DIPLOMAS section.

Graduation Rate

The College is required to publish the following information concerning graduation rates:

For students entering Fall 2014:

Full-time Full-time First-time Freshmen Full-time Transfer Students
Number of Students Entering, Fall 2014 800 87
Graduated in four years or less (by August 31, 2018) 421 45
Graduated in more than four years but in five years or less (After August 31, 2018 and by August 31, 2019) 48 6
Graduated in more than five years but in six years or less (After August 31, 2019 and by August 31, 2020) 9 1
Total graduating within six years 478 52
Six year graduation rate 60% 60%

(Source: Iona College Office of Institutional Institutional Effectiveness and Planning )

Retention Rate

One Year Retention Rate

Fall 2019 to Fall 2020 77%
Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 72%
Fall 2017 to Fall 2018 75%

Academic Recognition

Dean’s Honor List

A student who is enrolled full time in a given semester, exclusive of any credits earned with index-free grading, with a scholarship index of at least 3.5, and with no grade less than “C” will be placed on the Dean’s Honor List for the semester.

Dean’s Recognition

Part-time, matriculated, undergraduate students who complete 12 or more credits in the academic year, exclusive of any earned with index-free grading, with a scholarship index of at least 3.5, will be eligible for Dean’s Recognition. This award will be given at the end of the spring semester.

Undergraduate Graduation Latin Honors

Students entering Iona College as new freshmen are awarded Latin Honors status on their undergraduate baccalaureate degrees as follows:

Cumulative GPA Latin Honor
3.900 or higher Summa Cum Laude
3.750 to 3.899 Magna Cum Laude
3.500 to 3.749 Cum Laude

Students entering Iona College as transfers are also awarded Latin Honors status on their undergraduate baccalaureate degrees per the table above, but must complete a minimum of 56 credits in residence.

Transfer students with 30-55 Iona credits in residence and an index of 3.500 or higher will graduate with Distinction.

NOTE: In computing the final index for honors, only courses taken at Iona will be included. Credits granted for prior learning (life experience) or CLEP are not included in the residency credits.

Students who have been guilty of plagiarism or academic dishonesty at any point in their Iona academic career do not qualify for degrees with honors.

Commencement Awards

At the end of each academic year, a number of awards are given to recognize outstanding academic achievement. In addition to departmental awards, a number of special awards are given to acknowledge meritorious performance, not only in scholarship but also in those leadership and community service activities toward which a liberal arts education is directed. These include:

  • The Cardinal’s Award for Proficiency in Studies;
  • The Rice Memorial Medal for Excellence;
  • The Henry L. Logan Medal for Excellence in the Sciences;
  • The Roth Memorial Medal for Excellence in Business;
  • The Iona Medal for Excellence in Social and Behavioral Sciences;
  • The Iona Medal for Excellence in Business Administration
  • The Sullivan Award for Demonstration of the Concepts of Loyalty and Scholarship;
  • The Joseph E. Powell Award for High Qualities of Spirit, Dedication and Generosity;
  • The Julia Friedman Memorial Award for the graduate whose daily life and activities have shown great love and capacity for truth in dealing with others; and
  • The Robert Schoenherr Memorial Award for the accounting graduate who has demonstrated academic achievement and humanitarian concerns.

Information on the standards for departmental awards is available in the office of the appropriate department chair.

Academic Scholarships

To encourage students to develop their academic abilities, Iona offers a number of scholarships on the basis of academic merit. These are described in the “Financial Aid” section of this bulletin.

Enrichment Program

A full education should involve more than the completion of certain academic courses. It should include an involvement with the arts, participation in societies which pursue an academic discipline in depth, and attendance at lectures which involve faculty and students from many disciplines in discussion. Iona College encourages all students to involve themselves in enrichment activities. The following are key activities which are open to members of the student body.

Iona hosts honor societies for most academic disciplines. These encourage students to pursue their academic interests beyond the classroom through study projects, lectures and general interchange among the members.

Information about campus-wide clubs, fraternities and sororities, and other opportunities for campus involvement is available in the Office of Student Development. Students who are interested in community service will find many opportunities available through Campus Ministries. Information about Iona’s vibrant intramural athletics programs is available in the Athletics Department.

There are a number of co-curricular activities which also contribute to the intellectual, social and cultural development of the student. These include the Iona Pipers, several publications, the Dance Ensemble, The Players, and The Singers. lona encourages students to involve themselves in such activities.

Cheating and Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty

Cheating and plagiarism subvert both the purpose of the College and the experience students derive from being at Iona. They are offenses which harm the offender and the students who do not cheat.

The Iona community, therefore, pledges itself to do all in its power to prevent cheating and plagiarism, and to impose impartial sanctions upon those who harm themselves, their fellow students, and the entire community by academic dishonesty.

Faculty members will report all incidents of cheating and plagiarism to the dean. Every effort will be made to insure justice in any allegation of intellectual dishonesty. Educational assistance rather than adversarial proceedings may be sought. Sanctions may include failure for the assignment, failure for the course, and in the case of a second instance or an egregious violation of ethical and professional standards, dismissal from the College.

Students who have been guilty of plagiarism or academic dishonesty at any point in their Iona academic career do not qualify for degrees with honor.

If, in conformity with this policy, a sanction is imposed, students may appeal first, to the professor who discovered the offence; second to the department chair; and third to the academic dean of the division involved.  The decision of the academic dean is final.  A student has the right to appeal the academic dean’s decision to the provost if, and only if, the sanction involves a suspension from class or dismissal from the College. In such appeals, the decision of the provost is final.

Academic Discipline

The imposition of academic sanctions is an administrative effort by the College to honor its commitment to the pursuit of academic excellence and its traditional attitude of concern for each student. Neither in concept nor practice is the sanction viewed as a punitive measure; rather, it is seen as the offer of professional academic counseling to assist students to realize their potential and to deal appropriately with obstacles to their academic success.

Academic Sanctions

The following sanctions are recognized by all schools offering baccalaureate programs:


Freshmen will be considered to be officially on warning when a statement to that effect has been issued from the Dean’s Office or the Center for Advising and Academic Services noting that there is some indication that the student is experiencing difficulty in maintaining the academic standards necessary for graduation. Such warning usually includes a recommendation to seek support and counsel through the Center for Advising and Academic Services and the Student Success Offices.


Students may be placed on probation whenever their semester, major, or cumulative index falls below 2.0, necessary for graduation. It is not automatic, but is reviewed and determined by the Dean’s office in which the student is enrolled. Students on probation have their progress reviewed at the end of each semester to assure evidence of sufficient improvement to warrant continued matriculation. Students on probation will be required to meet minimum defined expectations as a condition of continued enrollment. Minimum expectations include, but are not limited to, a minimum term/cumulative index, a limited course enrollment, mandatory attendance, and use of academic support services. In some instances, students are asked to sign an agreement detailing the required expectations. Suspension is likely to follow for failure to meet the conditions set for probation.

Termination of Matriculation

Termination of matriculation may take the following forms:

  1. Academic Suspension - a temporary separation from the College, ordinarily imposed when termination is indicated and a judgment is made that studies should be interrupted for a designated period of time, usually a minimum of one full term, before reinstatement would be considered. Suspended students must present evidence of their ability to continue their studies successfully when applying for such reinstatement in the form of a letter of appeal accompanying a completed application for readmission.
  2. Academic Dismissal - a permanent separation from the College (not just a school of the College), ordinarily imposed when termination of matriculation is indicated because there is indication of poor probability of success. It is automatically imposed in cases of suspended students who were reinstated, students who are conditionally admitted and fail those conditions, and students readmitted under the fresh start rule who did not meet the terms of readmission.


Students are notified of a change in academic standing within two weeks of the conclusion of each full term. Students may appeal any decision rendered, in writing and with appropriate supporting documentation, to the Academic Standing committee of their school of enrollment. Appeals are considered by the committee, as convened by the administering Dean’s office. The actions of the Committees on Academic Standing are based on the evidence of a student’s academic record and in accord with published norms. Appeals of decision of the Committee may be made to the appropriate dean.

Students who feel that further clarification, or procedural points, should be considered subsequent to a denial of an initial appeal to the Committee, may make a secondary appeal to the Dean of the College of their enrollment within two weeks of receipt of notification of the Committee’s decision. The student must put any additional appeal in writing. The letter of appeal should set forth the basis for the appeal. Appropriate reasons for seeking such an appeal include:

  • availability of further data which might influence the original decision;
  • evidence that the action taken was unfair, arbitrary or capricious; and
  • explanation of extenuating circumstances which might bear on past and future performance.

In the event that a student wishes to appeal the decision of the dean, by a formal letter citing the basis of further appeal, the matter may be brought before the provost/vice president for Academic Affairs, whose decision is final.

Academic Planning and Advising

Iona makes every effort to provide the resources necessary for students to pursue a baccalaureate degree, however, it recognizes the ultimate responsibility for earning that degree rests solely with the individual degree candidates. It is, therefore, expected that students will make every effort to acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations governing academic life at Iona. Administrators, faculty, and staff, assist students, but success at Iona will depend on the extent to which students exercise responsibility for their academic careers.

For students interested in pursuing more than one concentrated area of study, the College offers three options at the undergraduate level: Second Bachelor ‘s Degrees (e.g. BA/BS); Double Majors within the same degree (i.e., BA, BS, BBA); and Secondary Majors for an additional area of study taken from different degree programs. In addition, the College offers a 5-year Bachelor’s and Master’s Dual Degree option in select areas of study.

Earning a Second Bachelor Degree

A student may complete two degree programs, e.g., a BA or BS and a BBA, by applying the College core to both degrees and by using electives from one program to satisfy the requirements of the other program. All specific requirements of both degrees , ordinarily a minimum of 150 credits, must be satisfied at the time of degree conferral. While in some instances, individual courses may be used to fulfill both degrees, the number of courses/credits applied in this manner is limited by the College’s double dip policy (see below). Upon completion of all requirements, the student will be awarded both degrees and the student’s diploma will reflect the two bachelors’ degrees.

Double Major

Students may complete a double major in the same degree program (e.g., BA, BBA, BS). Students pursuing two majors must complete all requirements of both majors. While in some instances, individual courses may be used to fulfill both majors, the number of courses/credits applied in this manner is limited by the College’s double dip policy (see below).

Secondary Major

Secondary majors offer students the opportunity to earn one baccalaureate degree in one program supplemented by a rich intellectual experience in a second field of specialization from another degree program without the requirement of earning a second bachelor degree in the secondary major. While in some instances, individual courses may be used to fulfill both majors, the number of courses/credits applied in this manner is limited by the College’s double dip policy (see below).

All majors approved to be a secondary major in a different degree program can be found on the Secondary Majors List  in the Academic Programs section of this catalog.

Through the secondary major option, upon graduation a student earns one baccalaureate degree from Iona (through the fulfillment of all requirements from the student’s primary degree program). Although that student will not be awarded a second degree, the student’s transcript will reflect that he or she earned a secondary major in the secondary area of study.

5-Year Bachelor’s and Master’s Dual Degree Programs

Dual degree programs ordinarily allow students to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in 5 years by completing some graduate credits as upperclassmen and in special sessions. The number of allowable graduate credits taken as an undergraduate varies by program. Available dual degree programs and credit information can be found under the Academic Programs section of this catalog. Under this option, students are required to complete the College Core Curriculum (45 credits) and all programmatic requirements.

Double Dip Policy

Students may use up to 12 shared credits to complete a double major, second bachelor degree, secondary major, minor or dual degree. This is the maximum number of shared credits allowed by New York State unless otherwise specified as in select 5-year dual degree programs. Credits may not be shared within the 45 required credits of the college core curriculum. College core curriculum credits may be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, unless otherwise specified. No more than half the coursework toward any program of study (major or minor) may be fulfilled using shared credits. Departments may restrict shared credits within their majors and minors but must seek approval through undergraduate curriculum committees and governance process. No credits may ever be triple-counted among any combination of majors and/or minors.

Declaration of and Changes to Majors, Minors, Secondary Majors, Second Bachelor Degrees and Dual Degrees

Upon admission to Iona, students are enrolled in one of the schools of the College and advised through the Center for Advising and Academic Services. All students must officially declare a major in the school and department of interest to them no later than the first semester of sophomore year (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science) or the second semester of sophomore year (Bachelor of Business Administration). This is done by meeting with the major Department Chair/Program Director. The Chair/Program Director then records the major declaration in the student information system. Students with declared majors are assigned departmental advisors to assist them in planning their educational program at lona College.

Students must select one major before pursuing other degrees, majors and minors. Those seeking to pursue a double major, second bachelor degree, secondary major, minor, or 5-year dual degree do so in consultation with their major advisor and advisors in the other majors/minors. The option to select a double major, second bachelor degree, secondary major, minor, or dual degree ordinarily requires that a student maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and individual majors may have higher GPA requirements.

Changes to majors, minors, secondary majors, and degree programs require consultation by the student with the intended new advisor(s), the advisors of selection(s) that will continue, and the advisor(s) of any selections that the student is dropping.

Academic Advising

Students must be aware of the requirements for their degree as detailed in the College catalog, and are advised to consult with the professionals of the Center for Advising and Academic Services or the department of the major as questions arise.  

All incoming students are advised through the Center for Advising and Academic Services.  Freshmen and undeclared sophomores are all advised by the professional staff of the Center, until the point of declaration.  In order to ensure timely progress toward degree completion, students are expected to declare a major before enrolling in the second semester of the sophomore year, or when they have accumulated 45 credits or more.  Students will be granted an exception to this timeline as the need arises and after counsel between the student, the professional advisors, and the department of the planned major, as appropriate.  Transfer students, at all levels, are advised through the Center, and are guided to declare a major if they have achieved the necessary benchmarks or prerequisites, and if they have earned 45 credits or more in transfer.

Once students have met with the chair of the department of their intended major and declared a major, a Departmental advisor is assigned. All future advisement will be conducted through the major department.

Iona expects that students will make use of the advisement procedures to confirm or clarify academic plans. During each registration period students will be required to obtain an approved program card signed by a professional or Departmental advisor, at which time the advisor will also remove the registration hold on the PeopleSoft system.

Academic Support Services

Center for Advising and Academic Services

The Center serves as the first stop for any student at the College as they begin their academic journey at Iona, as either a new freshmen or a transfer student.  All new students will be counseled by one of our advisors, and be guided in course options, general Core requirements and paths to our numerous available majors, before a student actually declares a major. We will also act as a processing point for a variety of academic actions, including: Program Change, Course Withdrawal, First-Year Amnesty, and Permission to Study at Another College.  We will help students identify and achieve academic goals, identify realistic majors, and engage in the process of career planning and pursue intellectual discovery.

Freshman Orientation Program

Entering freshmen are required to take part in an orientation program administered by the Offices of Student Development and Student Success. The program is designed to provide students with information about themselves and Iona College so that they may begin to evaluate realistically their educational objectives and personal concerns before beginning their studies.

Office of Student Success

The Office of Student Success, located on the second floor of La Penta Student Union, provides an environment of care and concern where staff members help students navigate the system. Students receive guidance, assistance or information on issues such as time management, program change, financial aid, registration and advisement. The staff practices an open-door policy and invites students to stop by the office.

The Pre-Legal Advisory Committee

This interdisciplinary advisory body of faculty members counsels students intending to apply for admission to law school. The committee sponsors group meetings to provide information on requirements for admission to law schools, the availability of scholarships and other assistance, and the schedule for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Members of the committee also conduct personal interviews to advise students and evaluate their qualifications for the legal profession. The Pre-Legal Advisory Committee can act as the liaison between the Iona College student and the law school to which admission is sought. Students interested in entering a law school should contact the pre-law advisor as early as possible.

The Health Professions Recommendation Committee

This advisory body of faculty members counsels students interested in preparing for a professional career in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or allied fields (e.g., chiropractic, optometry, osteopathy). Working with the health professions advisor, the committee provides interested students with information regarding the personal and academic requirements for admission to professional schools and assists them in evaluating their qualifications for admission. The committee is the liaison between the student and the professional schools. It formulates the appraisal of the student which the professional schools require. Interested students should contact the health professions advisor.

Pre-Engineering Advisor

Students interested in planning an academic program which will lead to a career in chemical, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering should contact the pre-engineering advisor as early as possible in their course of studies. The advisor’s function is to aid students in preparing to transfer to an accredited engineering program. The chair of the Physics Department serves as the advisor.

Academic Support Centers

The Samuel Rudin Academic Resource Center

The Samuel Rudin Academic Resource Center (ARC), located on the lower level of Amend Hall, is available to students who wish to improve their learning skills or who want academic support. Working one-on-one or in small groups, professional staff, graduate assistants and undergraduate tutors help students acquire, improve or refresh skills. The ARC stresses areas related to the College core: reading, composition, mathematics, and computer and information science. The ARC also provides reasonable auxiliary aids and services to students with disabilities. There is no charge for any of the ARC’s services. Incoming freshmen are placed in mathematics and English courses, based on SAT scores and high school records. Students may be assigned to special sections of required mathematics courses and required English courses. Students placed in these classes are encouraged to make use of tutorial assistance provided by the ARC.

College Assistance Program

The College Assistance Program (CAP) of Iona College offers comprehensive support and services for students with documented learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. CAP is designed to encourage success by providing instruction tailored to individual strengths and needs. Students take the standard full-time course requirements for baccalaureate degree programs. Postgraduate degrees are held by the entire CAP professional staff. This team of learning specialists is devoted to the support and guidance of CAP students. Tutors teach individually appropriate skill-based strategies that cross the disciplines. These skills are designed not merely to facilitate the completion of assignments, but also to generate eventual academic independence.

CAP services include: summer college transition program, supplementary academic advising, program planning, two hours per week of scheduled individual tutoring with a professional learning specialist, small group tutoring and workshops, testing accommodations, alternative testing procedures, special equipment, and personal and career counseling services.

Writing Workshop/Lab

The English Department offers two supplemental labs: the Writing Workshop (ENG 109) and the Writing Lab. The Writing Workshop (ENG 109) is a one-credit course in sentence skills that is required of a selected group of freshmen during the semester when these students are enrolled in ENG 120 . The subject matter of the Writing Workshop (ENG 109) is offered on computer in sequential modules of interactive tutorial and test programs, through which students move at their own rates of progress.

The Writing Lab is voluntary and general in focus. The lab works with individuals such as ENG 120  students who have been referred by their instructors for additional assistance in developing rhetorical skills or for assistance with a specific and limited problem in grammar and punctuation; with freshmen who have completed ENG 120  but require further assistance with their writing; and with sophomores in English core courses, or with English majors in upper-level courses who need to improve their basic writing skills.

Speakers’ Center

The Speaker Center, located in the office of the Department of Speech Communication Studies, is designed to help students achieve competence in oral communication. Students who need individual help with articulation, voice quality, public speaking skills, and communication apprehension are scheduled at their convenience. In addition, any faculty member may refer a student (or students may refer themselves) at any time for one-on-one assistance. Special help is given to students for whom English is a second language. The goal of the center is to help students achieve a style of speaking that is clear, easy to understand, and confident.

Academic Support for Athletes

The Department of Athletics provides an academic advisor for student athletes. Since participating in a varsity sport does not release student-athletes from academic responsibilities, their academic progress is closely monitored so that they may achieve maximum performance in all areas. Academic guidance and support services, including tutoring, counseling and a mentorship program, are provided when necessary to ensure proper academic achievement.

Registration and Academic Procedures

The undergraduate day semester program is organized into two semesters. In addition to fall and spring semesters, Iona College offers an intensive 2-week January intersession and Summer Session-I (late May) during which students may take only one course. There are also summer sessions that run from May through August. Students may take a maximum of two courses in Summer Session II and III. For detailed information on registration and course offerings, consult the registrar’s website: www.iona.edu/registrar.

Approved Program of Study

To register for courses in any regular semester or special session, students must obtain from their academic advisor or academic dean a signed program card with the approved program of courses for the semester for which they are registering. Students should also check their PeopleSoft Degree Audit transcript to verify their progress toward degree completion. Registration then takes place online in PeopleSoft per the “Registration” procedures listed in this catalog.

Course Program Changes

Most students may make changes in their semester course schedule at any time prior to the first day of class and during the Add/Drop period indicated in the academic calendar. Schedule adjustments are processed within the student’s Peoplesoft self-service account. Students’ changes should be  reviewed with the assigned advisor and Degree Audit to ensure usefulness toward degree completion.

Cancellation of Scheduled Courses

Iona College reserves the right to cancel scheduled courses in an upcoming semester for insufficient registration or other reasons. Students will be notified of the cancelation by the appropriate dean’s office prior to the course being dropped from their schedule. Canceled courses may be taken on an independent study basis, as deemed appropriate at the discretion of the dean. Independent study courses are arranged with the dean’s office of the appropriate school.

Course Offerings

The schedule of course offerings is approved by the academic deans. Fall, winter, spring and summer offerings are available online through the Iona College website.


Once a student has received advisement, had an advising hold removed and their online enrollment appointment has activated, online registration may commence. Students register using their PeopleSoft self-service accounts. Registration generally begins in March for the fall semester and in October for the spring semester. Those who register but fail to finalize the process by arranging for payment of tuition and fees by the payment due date will risk cancellation of their registration. Registration continues to the end of the Add/Drop deadline during the general registration period. Consult the academic calendar on the registrar’s website.

Late Registration

There is a limited late registration period at the beginning of each semester during the Add/Drop period noted on each semester’s academic calendar. Please note that course and seating availability during Late Registration is limited.

Index-Free Grading

The College permits full-time juniors and seniors at the preferred level of academic standing the option of taking an elective course each semester on an index-free basis. This privilege does not apply to courses required by the College core, the degree core, major or minor requirements, nor does it apply to courses taken during special sessions. Students who file requests for index-free grading in the Registrar’s Office by the dates set forth in the academic calendar will be assigned grades of “P” (Passing) or “U” (Unsatisfactory) upon completion of the course.

Repeating a Course

Student’s must obtain permission to repeat a course by going to the Center for Advising and Academic Services. A Repeat Code will be issued for the course to the student. The course registration and code is then submitted to the Registrar’s Office on a registration form. If a student repeats a course, both grades are shown on the transcript and are included in both the semester and cumulative indices. The course is credited only once toward the total credits earned. In the instance of a grade of F being earned, a second or third “F” being earned in any course, the “F” is included in the semester and cumulative index for all attempts.

First-Year Amnesty

Any undergraduate student in the first-year of studies at Iona will be given a one-time opportunity for grade amnesty in a course for which the grade of “D” or below was earned. Both grades, the original and the retake, will appear on the student’s transcript. Only the retake grade, if better, will be counted toward the cumulative index. The course will be credited only once toward the total credits earned. First-Year Amnesty will only be granted upon the approval of a staff member in the Center for Advising and Academic Services. The repeated course must be taken at Iona College.

Auditing a Course

Matriculated degree students: Degree students may audit a course that is not required for a degree. Approval from an advisor is required. Full-time students may carry an audited course as their fifth course; if the course is a sixth course, appropriate tuition policy applies. Consult the “Tuition and Fees” section of the catalog or Iona website.

Non-matriculated visiting students: Visiting students may audit a course. The student submits a Special Sessions & Visiting Student Registration Form. Appropriate tuition & fees apply. Consult the “Tuition and Fees” section of the catalog or Iona website.

Withdrawing from a Course

Students may withdraw from a course after obtaining a Course Withdrawal Card, having it signed by both the course professor and an advisor from the Center for Advising and Academic Services and then submitting it to the Registrar’s Office. Consult the academic calendar for each term’s withdrawal deadline. Withdrawals by the deadline will be assigned a “W” grade. Withdrawals during Summer and Winter sessions do not require instructor or advisor approval. Refer to the Iona College refund policy for financial implications and tuition liabilities stemming from course withdrawals.

Withdrawal from all classes in a term is tantamount to a College withdrawal, and will be subject to federal regulations regarding the return of federal aid and/or loan money received. Please consult the College website for more information by accessing the Withdrawals, Drops and Refunds webpage.

Dismissal from a Course

Faculty may dismiss a student from a course and assign a grade of “FA” if a student has missed 20 percent of the scheduled classes and has not given evidence of satisfying the course requirements.

Final Examinations

A special period is set aside at the end of each semester for final examinations. All final examinations must take place during that period according to the schedule prepared by the registrar. While testing is prohibited seven calendar days before final examinations, the academic dean may authorize testing for special subjects during that period on the recommendation of the departmental head.

Deferred Examinations

Students who have time period conflicts and/or three examinations in the same day as a result of the published examination schedule are entitled to a make-up examination. Students must make arrangements with the instructor for make-up exams.

Online Examinations

Iona College has engaged the services of ProctorU to monitor online testing in Distance Learning courses. Students taking online examinations in Distance Learning courses will be proctored in real time by trained employees of this vendor. Students taking Distance Learning courses should review the College website for additional details about ProctorU: http://guides.iona.edu/proctoru/students.

Alternate Ways of Earning Credit

In addition to taking regular Iona courses, there are several ways to earn credit.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students entering the College who have taken examinations in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board will receive credit for scores of three or better, unless otherwise noted.

International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)

Students entering the College who have taken High Level (HL) examinations in an IBO program will receive credit for scores of five or better.

High School Bridge Programs

Some high schools have cooperating programs with local colleges and universities which allow students to take college-level courses in the senior year. Iona accepts those credits on a course-by-course basis.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Prospective freshmen and transfer students who have taken CLEP proficiency tests must request credit at the time they apply for admission to Iona College. Credit will be granted according to ACE recommendations.

The College also reserves the right to re-evaluate credits offered by transfer students who previously received CLEP credit from other colleges. Current Iona students must obtain permission of the academic dean to take CLEP examinations.

Credit by Examination

In certain disciplines, students have the option of studying independently and arranging with the academic dean for a special examination to be prepared by an instructor of a regular Iona course to earn credit for that course. Students wishing to avail themselves of this option should have the approval of the dean and the department chair before preparing for the examination. The rate for credit by examination is one credit per exam.

Independent Study

Some departments offer students the opportunity to pursue a topic within the discipline not covered by regular course offerings. With the consent of the department chair and the approval of the academic dean, students may arrange to pursue a course independently under the guidance of a faculty mentor. In general, courses offered through special arrangement involve more student initiative and more written work than regular course offerings. In general, students must have a GPA of 3.0 to be eligible for independent study.

Arrangement for independent study must be made at the time of registration, and the requirements established must be completed by the end of the semester.

Credit for Study at Other Colleges and Universities

For students other than those transferring into Iona for the first time, credit for courses taken at institutions other than Iona College will be recognized under the following conditions:

  • Written permission to take such courses is obtained IN ADVANCE from the  Center for Advising and Academic Services, in consultation with the Major department as appropriate.
  • The grade received at the other institution is equivalent to, or higher than, the Iona College grade of “C.” Such course work will not be included in the student’s cumulative index calculations. It is the student’s responsibility to have all transcripts sent to lona College. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Dean.

NOTE: Once a matriculated degree-seeking student is actively attending Iona College, a maximum of four courses (generally 12 to 14 credits maximum) may be transferred in from other institutions. In the event that a compelling case can be made, an exception may be granted by the Dean of the appropriate school.

Credit for Graduate Courses

Qualified seniors may take graduate courses for credit with the approval of the appropriate department chair and  as authorized by the Center for Advising and Academic Services.  Students must have a cumulative index of at least 3.0, and an index of 3.0 or higher in their major. Such courses may be applied to the undergraduate degree. At the request of the student, these courses may be applied to waive requirements for graduate degree programs. However, these courses will not be counted to fulfill the credits required for the graduate degree.

If the graduate courses were not applied toward an undergraduate degree, a maximum of six credits may be applied toward a graduate degree with the approval of the appropriate department chair. The credits will be computed into total credits passed for the graduate degree.

Transfer to Another Degree Program or School

All students are registered in a degree program in either the Iona School of Arts & Sciences or the LaPenta School of Business. Students wishing to change their degree program or their school must make arrangements through their academic advisor. An Interschool Transfer Form must then be completed and submitted. The students’ academic records are reviewed before they are accepted into the new degree program or school.

Withdrawing from College

Students wishing to withdraw from the College must arrange for an exit interview with the Center for Advising and Academic Services. For more detailed information on the process and implications of withdrawing, please visit the Iona College website and navigate as follows: Student Financial Services >> Student Accounts >> Withdrawals, Drops, and Refunds.

Change of Student Data

Students may update their contact information from within their PeopleSoft self-service accounts. Name changes are processed after completing a Name Change form available from the Registrar’s Office.

Official Transcripts

Iona College is partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse online transcript ordering system. Currently attending students may request a transcript through their PeopleSoft self-service account. Non-enrolled students requiring an official Iona transcript should must visit the National Student Clearinghouse website at www.getmytranscript.org. Only complete official transcripts will be released to requestors; partial, edited or redacted transcripts will not be issued under any circumstances. Transcript release will be withheld for students whose financial accounts are in arrears. Unofficial transcripts are NOT issued by Iona College.

Releasing Documents From Another Agency or Institution

Iona College does not release documents that have become the property of the College through a legal release to a third party from another agency or institution. Examples of such documents are official transcripts sent to Iona for review of transfer credit, high school transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, AP/IB scores, etc. We are not the official legal custodian of record for any documents that did not originate at Iona College and therefore do not have the legal authority to release them. These records are the property of the College and are for internal College purposes only. Please contact the originating agency, organization or institution that provided the original records to obtain new documents.

Returning to Iona

Procedures for returning to Iona vary, according to the conditions under which a student discontinued studies. Students who are readmitted to the College shall observe the core, degree and major requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Students who completed the core requirements in effect during their prior registration may have current core requirements waived. Degree and major requirements, however, shall not be waived. In exceptional cases, the appropriate academic dean shall be the final arbiter.