2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Arts and Science

Vision for the School of Arts & Science

The School of Arts & Science supports the mission of Iona College through its commitment to fostering academic excellence and intellectual inquiry rooted in the tradition of the liberal arts. Our faculty are a caring community of teacher-scholars, committed to the success of our students inside and outside the classroom. The School offers a diverse set of programs that are academically challenging with a career focus.

 In furtherance of these commitments, the School strives to:

  • provide an education that is current, student-centered, outcome-based, and involves an appropriate mix of classroom-based instruction, independent research, and internship or practical experience;
  • equip students with the skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing environment: critical thinking, effective oral and written communication, problem solving, collaborative learning, ethical decision making, scientific, technological and aesthetic literacy;
  • instill in students the habits of mind enabling them to possess our most precious human heritage: those ideas, beliefs, writings, and creative expressions that are the basis of intellectual, cultural, and moral development;
  • deepen students’ self-awareness, reflectiveness, and commitment to a core of values that will illuminate both their personal relationships and their relationship to a pluralistic society with the qualities of intelligence, tolerance, decency, compassion, and appreciation of cultures others than their own;
  • recruit, retain, and support the development of a faculty of exceptional teacher-scholars whose pedagogy is informed by research, experience, and scholarship.

(Revised, December 2012)


The School of Arts and Science enrolls undergraduate students in courses of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. Major concentrations are offered in Adolescent Education, Arts Leadership, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Childhood Education, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, History, Interdisciplinary Science, International Studies, Media & Strategic Communication, Mathematics, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, and Speech Language Pathology & Audiology. Minor concentrations are offered in the majority of the majors noted above and in Black Studies, Digital Humanities, Environmental Studies, Italian, Neuroscience, Pre-Law, Physics and Speech Communications.  Students may earn a minor in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Studies that qualifies them to sit for the CASAC examination. Education programs lead to certification in both childhood and adolescent school teaching. 

The School of Arts and Science also offers combined Bachelors/Masters five-year degree programs in Chemistry/Computer Science, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Economics/Computer Science, Mathematics/Computer Science, Public Relations, Sports Communication & Media, General Experimental Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Degree Requirements

All candidates for a degree must complete the graduation requirements for undergraduate degrees indicated in this bulletin. The course requirements include the College core requirements, either the arts or science degree core as explained below, major requirements as listed for each major, and a number of electives.

College Core

The College core, required of all students, is explained in this catalog.

Science Degree Core

The degree core for candidates for the bachelor of science degree varies. Specific details are listed for each major program.

Major Requirements

The requirements for each major are listed in this catalog.


The balance of each program is made up of electives which students may use to pursue a second major, a minor, or an area of academic interest. Some of these electives may be used to complete the liberal arts requirement: 90 credits for BA candidates and 60 credits for BS candidates. The overview of each major specifies the number of liberal arts electives required. Courses that do not fulfill the liberal arts requirement are those offered by the LaPenta School of Business, “professional” courses such as internships, and studio courses in the arts.

Multiple Majors and Minors

Students may pursue a second bachelor’s degree, double major within the same degree or a secondary major or to pursue a minor in a second area. In making their decision, students should be aware of College policy as indicated in this catalog and consult with their academic advisor.

Peace and Justice Studies

Iona College is committed to creating a diverse community of learners. Peace and Justice Studies is a minor that appeals and caters to a diverse group of students. The mission statement clearly states, “We commit ourselves to education within the rich heritage of these legacies, especially intellectual inquiry and the values of justice, peace and service.” With the revisions to the peace and justice studies minor, students will be exposed to the interconnections of peace, justice, and service.


Bachelor of Science

Secondary Majors


Biological Sciences

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science


Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Bachelor of Science

5 Year: Bachelor of Science/Master of Science


Communication Sciences and Disorders

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Bachelor of Arts


Computer Science

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Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Science/Master of Science

5 Year: Bachelor of Arts/Master of Science


Criminal Justice and Sociology

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Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Arts/Master of Science



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Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Science/Master of Science



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Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Arts/Master of Science in Teaching

5 Year: Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Teaching


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Bachelor of Arts


Fine and Performing Arts

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Bachelor of Arts


Foreign Languages

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Bachelor of Arts



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Bachelor of Arts


Mathematics and Physics

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Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Science/Master of Science


Media & Strategic Communication

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Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts



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Bachelor of Science


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Bachelor of Arts


Political Science

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Bachelor of Arts



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Bachelor of Arts

5 Year: Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts


Religious Studies

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Bachelor of Arts


Social Work

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Bachelor of Science


Sociology (also see Criminal Justice and Sociology Department)

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Arts
