2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life at Iona

Iona recognizes that the educational experience in college should encompass more than classroom instruction. In order to develop the entire person, lona offers a wide variety of activities and services to complement academic preparation. Most of these activities and services are managed through the Office of Student Development located in the Robert V. La Penta Student Union. Services include student activities, athletics, counseling, career services, campus safety and security, health services, and residential life.


The Athletic Department offers a wide variety of sports and intramural programs for all members of the lona community to enjoy. lona competes in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference and fields 21 Division I teams. An extensive intramural program allows all students to engage in athletic activities. The Hynes Athletics Center houses the athletic staff and provides recreational and fitness centers. The Mazzella Multi-sports Field is also available for recreational use.

Campus Ministries

The Center for Campus Ministries invites students to grow in faith, engage in hands on service to others, deepen their spiritual lives, and consider issues of peace and justice. Open to students of all religious backgrounds, Campus Ministries offers Sunday and daily mass, interfaith prayer services, retreats, weekly hospitality suppers, and active engagement in volunteer service. From offices in LaPenta Student Union and Montgomery House, the department promotes annual programs such as the Week of the Peacemaker, Make a Difference Week, the Kairos retreat and several Coffee Houses. At Montgomery House student campus ministers and professional staff live in a community setting valuing prayer, service and simplicity. Student campus ministers also reside in the residence halls. In addition, the department sponsors the Iona in Mission program.

Holy Family Church

Holy Family Church, located on Mayflower Ave. just up from Loftus Hall, hosts the Iona College Sunday Mass at 6:00 p.m. weekly throughout the semester.

Campus Regulations

The College Code of Conduct governs non-academic life at lona. Proceedings and penalties associated with the non-observance of College regulations are found in the Student Handbook. All members of the lona community are responsible for knowing these regulations.

lona College aims to develop the unique potentialities in each individual. The widest freedom consistent with the rights of others-both individually and collectively-is enthusiastically fostered. lona places great emphasis on personal responsibility and on respect for oneself and for others in the community. In keeping with this aim, lona endorses the “Joint Statement on Rights and Freedom of Students,” developed by the AAC, AAUP, NASPA, and the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Specific areas of student life are covered by policy statements and procedural guidelines published by various offices charged with responsibility for certain functions. For help in clarifying these documents, students should consult the Office of Student Development.

The overall orientation of student services at lona College is toward making students feel an integral part of the lona community. lona takes particular interest in these activities; it is important that both resident students and commuter students feel especially welcome on the campus.

Campus Safety and Security

The Office of Campus Safety and Security is responsible for the safey and security of all members of the lona community. The department’s goal is to maintain a campus atmosphere conducive to achieving the lona College mission. The staff is encouraged to take a proactive approach to security by maintaining positive interactions with our community on a daily basis in a form of “Community Policing.” The purpose of this philosophy is to improve the overall safety of our campus through increased involvement of all members of the lona community in security.

The Office of Campus Safety and Security issues ID cards and parking permits at LaPenta Student Union, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am to 7:30 pm, and Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. All vehicles parked on campus must park in a legal space and display a valid lona College parking permit. Yellow lined spaces are for faculty and staff only and the tow policy is strictly enforced. This policy is intended to facilitate the flow of traffic and to improve pedestrian safety. Campus Safety and Security personnel are always willing to meet with students to discuss campus safety and personal security issues.

The Department of Campus Safety and Security will provide, upon request, all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education. This information is available on the website of the US Department of Education at www.ope.ed.gov/security/, and on the Iona College website at www.iona.edu/studentlife/safety/safety.pdf, or you may obtain a printed copy from the Department of Campus Safety and Security.

Center for Career Development

The Gerri Ripp Center for Career Development, located on the second floor in Spellman Hall, assists students in preparing for a career after graduation. Career advisors work closely with students to determine a career focus, select an appropriate major, explore career fields and provide assistance in securing internships and the job search process. The Center cooperates with academic departments, faculty, and College administrators to engage students early on with a structured four-year career development plan designed to enhance their marketability upon graduation. Some of the key resources available through the Career Center are: GAELink, an online career management system which provides updates on career events and job/internship possibilities; resume critiques; mock interviews; and on-campus recruiting opportunities.

Counseling Center

Located in Spellman Hall. The Counseling Center provides individual, couples, and group counseling to students of Iona College. Some of the issues that students bring to counseling include: stress reduction, depression, problems with relationships, anxiety disorders, family concerns, alcohol and other drug abuse, eating disorders and overcoming academic difficulties. Other services include consultation with faculty and staff, training for Resident Assistants and Campus Ministers and the provision of workshops relevant to a college student population. Topics include enhancing relationships, preventing sexual assault and domestic violence and multicultural awareness. The Counseling Center also serves as a training site for Master’s and Doctoral level students in counseling and clinical psychology for institutions in the Metropolitan New York area.  All counseling sessions are confidential within the guidelines of legal and ethical standards.

Health Services

Health Services, located in the Iona Wellness Center at 760 North Avenue, provides comprehensive primary care services and the initial interventions of emergency care.  Health Services promotes primary prevention; health screening, immunizations, health education and counseling. The care of our students is provided by nurse practitioners in collaboration with the Iona College physician.

Health Services adheres firmly to the requirements of New York State Department of Health, Public Health Laws. All students are required to submit proof of immunity against measles, mumps, rubella, and Meningococcal Meningitis within 30 days of entrance. The Health Service professional and administrative staff conforms to standards of professional, ethical, moral, State and Federal mandated procedures of confidentiality, privacy, and informed consent. The student health record is maintained in accordance with professional and legal guidelines. Without the authorization of a signed release of information by the student, no part of the student’s health record will be disclosed. The exception to the standard of confidentiality occurs when a student is assessed by professional care provider to be a danger to him/herself or others.

Health Services provides lectures workshops, and presentations on topics relevant to the health needs of students as well as global health issues. Health Services works collaboratively with other disciplines; psychology and counseling, residential life, and campus ministries for a holistic management of care.

The Goal of Health Services is to provide the highest standard of care in accordance with evidence-based practice and facilitate the development of self-care and health maintenance skills unique to the individual student to achieve their goals and optimal level of wellness.

ID Cards

Every student who wishes to borrow from the library, use the Hynes Athletics Center, receive student discounts or utilize other services must have a valid ID card with bar code label. This card will be recognized as long as the student is in good standing at lona. The ID card can be obtained from the Campus Safety and Security Office located in LaPenta Student Union.

Residential Life

The Office of Residential Life, located in the La Penta Student Union, is designed to enhance and extend students’ classroom experience by promoting academic, social, cultural and personal growth in the residence halls. On-campus housing is available in Rice Hall, Loftus Hall, Conese and South Halls, and the Apartments at Eastchester.

Each hall is led by a resident hall director and resident assistant staff member who provide a safe and secure living environment and promote community development among residents. The halls also offer variations of the following amenities: single rooms, suites, apartments, kitchen, laundry facilities, game room, exercise room, study lounge, cable television, lona Wireless Internet and a 24-hour security desk.

Iona College offers housing to students for their undergraduate career. A significant number of lona students live off campus in private homes and apartments in the area.

Off-Campus and Commuter Services

The Office for Off-Campus and Commuter Services is located on the second floor of the Robert V. LaPenta Student Union. Students are strongly encouraged to work closely with this office in planning their transition from on-campus residents to off-campus students and New Rochelle community menbers. The office teaches students how to locate off-campus housing, educates students about off-campus needs and concerns, and establishes relationships with students, neighbors, and city officials to enhance the quality of life in our surrounding neighborhoods. The office acts in an advisory capacity and conducts educational seminars related to important issues for off-campus living. This office also serves as a resource for traditional commuter students.

School Closings

Class cancellations due to inclement weather will be announced on the following stations and on the Iona website at www.iona.edu.

Westchester New York Rockland
WVOX - 1460-AM WOR - 710-AM WRCR - 1300-AM
WFAS - 1230-AM    
News Channel 12 (cablevision TV)

Student Development

The Office of Student Development is responsible for the oversight and operations of the LaPenta Student Union and Gael Club, as well as Wellness programming, leadership and diversity initiatives, and maintenance and support of the more than 60 diverse student clubs and organizations on campus. The staff strongly encourages all students to enrich themselves through involvement in campus life, especially through accepting one of the leadership opportunities afforded through participation in a student club or organization. One of the goals of the office is to promote opportunities for faculty and students to further enhance relationships that develop in the classroom. Student activities encompass a wide spectrum of student interests from music, sports, media, to opportunities to participate as a student in academic and professional organizations. Students are empowered to develop on-campus events while working closely with the professional staff of the Office of Student Development. The staff works closely with many other departments on campus (e.g., Foreign Languages, English, Theatre, History, the Iona College Council on the Arts) to develop and coordinate “Experience New York City” trips, wellness opportunities, alcohol and drug education, multicultural initiatives, art exhibits, concerts, and a wide variety of other positive outlets for the creative self-expression of Iona students.