2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

RST 210 - Religious Pluralism Series

This series provides a context to explore the opportunities and challenges presented by twenty-first century religious pluralism. According to Harvard Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies Dr. Diana Eck, “Pluralism” and “diversity” are sometimes used as if they were synonyms, but diversity is just plurality … [p]luralism is the engagement that creates a common society from all that plurality. It is the energetic engagement with diversity.” Cross-cultural religious literacy and engagement with the religious Other is essential in the contemporary global context as cross-currents of secularism, new religious movements, and resurgent fundamentalist articulations of all the major world religions collide and mingle with each other. One discrete field of focused study will be chosen for each semester the course runs. A non-exhaustive list of possible topics that can be rotated in the series are: Islam, Jainism, Afro-Caribbean religions, Hinduism, Indigenous Religiosity, Atheism/Humanism, and hybrid interfaith religious expressions.
Credits: 3
Offered When Needed