2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Facilities and Services

New Rochelle Campus

Iona College’s main campus is located in New Rochelle, New York. Iona’s major administrative offices, physical facilities and specialized services are provided at this location to support all academic and student service programs. All facilities are open during the College’s regular schedule of operations. A brief overview of these facilities and services is provided below.

Administrative Offices

Major administrative offices (Admissions, Registrar, Student Financial Services) are located in McSpedon Hall. The Office of Student Development is located in the Robert V. LaPenta Student Union. The Office of Advancement & External Affairs is located at 33 Pryer Terrace. The office of the Dean of Arts and Science is located in the Murphy Science and Technology Center. The office of the Dean of the LaPenta School of Business is located at 91 Beechmont Drive. The offices of the President and Provost are located in McSpedon Hall.

Arts Center

The Iona College Arts Center houses the The Fine and Performing Arts Department, its faculty offices, classrooms and studios dedicated to theatre, visual art, sculpture, music and dance. The Brother Kenneth Chapman Gallery is host to a variety of faculty, student, invitational and juried art exhibitions sponsored by the Iona College Council on the Arts and The Fine and Performing Arts Department. The Council, with an endowment from the Baron Lambert Fund for the Arts, established through the generosity of JoAnn and Joseph M. Murphy, sponsors artistic and cultural programs for the enrichment of the Iona College community.


Auditoriums are located in Doorley Hall (Doorley Auditorium), Ryan Library (Romita Auditorium) and the Murphy Science and Technology Center (Christopher J. Murphy Auditorium).


Books, stationery supplies, clothing, greeting cards, film, souvenirs and other items are available in the College Bookstore. The bookstore is located in La Penta Student Union. Students may sell used books back to the bookstore at any time during regular store hours. Students may purchase books online by going to the Iona College website, clicking on Current Students and proceed to the Bookstore website. The bookstore is open additional evening and weekend hours at the beginning of each semester.

Computing Facilities

Information Technology supports both academic and administrative computing activities throughout the campus. The campus network consists of 164 virtual or physical servers and 1,961 workstations. Five hundred seventy five (575) of these workstations are available on campus for student use. These systems are in the libraries, public and departmental facilities. Each workstation supports various academic and administrative software, provides Internet access, and access to Iona College’s Library databases. Laser printers and multimedia capability are located in most laboratories. All classrooms have state-of-the-art projection systems, workstations and Internet access. Network connectivity is provided via wireless, category 6 wiring, fiber optic cable, a 10/40 Gb Ethernet Backbone.

The student computers are housed in 23 facilities including the two campus libraries. Most facilities are connected to the campus backbone via a 10Gb fiber connection. Two of these facilities are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Other facilities are open for approximately 16 hours a day during the week and 12 hours a day on the weekends. Departmental labs are open at the discretion of each individual academic department.

Wireless connectivity is available throughout the campus to all students. All student residence halls are connected to the Internet via the wireless network. Students can connect laptops, phones, tablets and other personal devices to the Wi-Fi network. Up-to-date details are available on the College’s website or by contacting the Help Desk located in the Ryan Library. The Help Desk can be reached by calling (914) 633-2635.

Computing Software and Services

A variety of software packages are currently available in the computing lab facilities including Microsoft Office Professional, statistical analysis, graphics, programming languages and compilers, communications and discipline-related software.

Microsoft Office 365 email and OneDrive cloud storage is available to all students, faculty, administrators and staff at Iona College. Students and all Iona employees can download Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus free of charge on their personal devices. A full range of Internet services, databases and electronic resources may be accessed from the computing laboratories and all networked campus locations. Computer users can visit Iona’s web site at www.iona.edu.

Students can view their financial aid package, schedules, grades, and transcripts via the web using PeopleSoft administrative software. They can also register for future terms and pay bills on-line. Detailed instructions on accessing the above services are available on the College website.

Technical assistance on hardware and software is provided to the students in the public laboratories via the Help Desk. Labs may be reserved by faculty for online demonstrations. Consultation services are available to faculty, staff and administrators at the Ryan Help Desk.

Computing Accounts

Computing accounts are available to all students, faculty, administrators and staff at Iona College. The accounts provide access to the College’s e-mail, network, administrative systems, the Internet, the Library’s electronic databases and to a variety of application software packages. Computing accounts are created for students at the time of matriculation and remain active while they are registered at the College.

Purchasing a Computer

Iona College strongly recommends that students purchase a laptop for use on campus. Students in the LaPenta School of Business should have Windows based computers while students in the School of Arts and Science can bring Windows based laptops or Macs. In addition, there are computers available on campus for student use. Iona is a wireless campus. Students must have Windows Defender enabled on their personal computers in order to access the student wireless network.  Iona’s recommended laptop configuration is posted on the Information Technology web page and is updated annually in June. Please direct any questions to Adrianna DiLello at adilello@iona.edu or contact the Helpdesk at (914) 633-2635.

Dining Services

Vitanza Dining Commons, located in Spellman Hall, is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm, and 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm, grab and go from 2:30pm-5:30pm; and on Friday from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm. The LaPenta Student Union Snack Bar is open Monday - Friday from 11:00 am - 10:00 pm, closed Saturday and Sunday.  In addition to the Commons and Snack Bar, Starbucks is located on the lower floor of the LaPenta Student Union Building, Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm, Saturday closed and Sunday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm.


GaelVentures is the coworking and community incubator space of the Hynes Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. It is located on 748 North Avenue and is designed to be collaborative workspace where Iona students and entrepreneurs in the community can incubate and launch their entrepreneurial ideas and ventures.

Hynes Athletics Center

The Hynes Athletics Center houses the offices of the director of Athletics and coaches of Iona’s intercollegiate teams. The Hynes Center is home of Iona’s basketball and volleyball programs, seats 2,500 spectators for athletic events and 3,000 for concerts. Also contained in the building is a swimming pool, an aerobics/dance center, a free-weight center, a cardiovascular center, in addition to other facilities.   Mazzella Field is home to Iona’s soccer, lacrosse and rugby programs and seats 2,400 spectators.  The softball program competes at Donald E. Walsh Field on Rice Oval in the northeast corner of campus, the baseball program plays their home games at Flowers (City) Park in New Rochelle, the rowing program competes and trains off Glen Island Park while the nationally ranked cross country team hosts its home meets at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx.

Hynes Institute

The Hynes Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation is located on the second floor of Spellman Hall. It is designed to be collaborative workspace for all Iona students who are interested in entrepreneurship and innovation. It also houses the administrative and faculty offices of the Hynes Institute, as well as the majority of our courses and co-curricular programming (e.g., coworking hours, lunch & learn seminars, student workshops and speaker series). At the Hynes Institute students of all majors can immerse themselves in a diverse community of innovators to discover their entrepreneurial passion and develop and entrepreneurial mindset. Hynes Institute is the go-to place on campus for sharing and working on entrepreneurial ideas, collaborating with fellow students and alumni, and networking with faculty, staff and our growing network of mentors.

Language Laboratory

The Department of Foreign Languages laboratory is located on the first floor of Doorley Hall (Rm. 114).   It is equipped with 25 individual listening stations linked to a central console from which students can be monitored and helped as they listen to audio cassettes or CDs.  Each of the 25 lab stations is also equipped with a computer, and computer software for language learning is available. The lab also has as a flat screen television for viewing films and videos.  It is open 25 hours a week and is used by students in French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.

Library Facilities

The two campus libraries, Ryan Library and the Helen T. Arrigoni Library/Technology Center, house extensive collections and offer computer access to collections worldwide. The on-site collections including approximately 250,000 volumes 350 periodical subscriptions, and audiovisual resources that have been developed to support Iona’s curriculum and special interests. With approximately 200 electronic databases, students have online access to millions of full text articles from 100,000 journals. These are readily available from on or off campus.

In addition, the libraries have 160 networked state-of-the-art workstations, as well as a wireless environment. There are more than 400 seats for group and private study, three multimedia classrooms, and a 200-seat lecture hall. In addition, Ryan Library has a seminar room and six group study/work rooms with technology-equipped hardware. Ryan Library is staffed by library professionals who are experienced in providing individual and group research instruction. The Information Technology Help Desk is located in Ryan Library at the main desk where staff can assist students with software and hardware issues.

Reciprocal agreements with other libraries expand the libraries’ resources. Iona students are welcome at the New Rochelle Public Library, as well as at many other academic and public libraries in the region. In addition, the libraries’ Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Service can borrow materials needed by students from collections held nationally and internationally.

Media & Strategic Communication

The Iona College Media & Strategic Communication Department is located in the Murphy Science and Technology Center. Its facilities include a television studio and control room, two radio labs, two digital multiplatform media lab and a video editing suite.

The department also has a continually expanding collection of media-based software to complement all of its major concentration areas.

Murphy Science and Technology Center and the Christopher J. Murphy Auditorium

The Murphy Science and Technology Center houses classrooms and administrative and faculty offices, including the offices of the Dean of Arts and Science and the Chairs of the Computer Science, and Mass Communication departments.

In addition, several computer and media laboratories, two radio laboratories, a theater, a television studio and media resources are located in the Murphy Center. The center also features a 349 seat auditorium.

Psychology Laboratories

The ground floor level of Doorley Hall houses the Department of Psychology. A behavioral testing laboratory is available to faculty and student researchers (under faculty supervision) for the study of human behavior and cognition, including learning and memory, perception, social cognition, decision-making, language, personality, and more. A computer laboratory with a projector system and 15 computer workstations is also available to faculty and students for course- and research-related projects, including data analyses and experimentation. Each computer is equipped with statistical software for data analysis procedures.

Science Laboratories

Science laboratories are housed in Cornelia Hall. They include student laboratories for laboratory classes as well as research facilities for faculty and student research.  

The biology laboratories are equipped with Zeiss Primostar and Nikon E200 teaching microscopes, a Nikon E600 epiflurorescent and DIC research grade microscope with DSQI1 CCD camera and image analysis, automatic X-ray film processor with dark room, Leitz microtomes, a Tissue Tek embedding station, automatic tissue processor, spectrophotometers (including UV, and 96 well plate reader), a deionizer for filtering water, luminometers (including a 96 well plate reader), incubators, thermocyclers, including a Real Time PCR system, basic molecular biology equipment including a agarose electrophoresis gel-imaging system, a microbiology prep room with autoclave, -70ºC deep freezer, laminar flow hood and tissue culture facilities, anatomical models, physiographs, an Anatomage virtual cadaver, ecology sampling equipment and student research facilities.

Among the instruments utilized in the chemistry laboratories are: FT-NMR Spectrometer (Anasazi); UV-2600 UV-Vis Spectrometer with TCC-240 Temperature Controller (Shimadzu); AA240 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer; Varian 2000/3900 Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer with NIST spectral search library; Fluoromax 4 Fluorescence Spectrometer (Horiba); Attenuated Total Reflectance FT-Infrared Spectrometer (ThermoFisher); Q2000 Advanced Research Grade Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA Instrument); Waters Breeze 2 System High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Waters); Isolera One Flash Purification System (Biotage); CHI-630E Electrochemical Workstation (CH Instruments, Inc.). The Surface/Analytical chemistry lab has two research grade inverted microscopes (Olympus IX51, bright field/epifluorescence/polarized microscope and Nikon Eclipse Ti−S with halogen lamp) with high resolution digital camera (Olympus DP70 and Andor Zyla sCMOS) combined with two hydraulic micropipet manipulators (Narishige), supported on vibration isolated workstations (Newport VH3048). Additionally, the lab houses an Inverted Confocal Raman Microscope System (XploRA INV from Horiba) consisting two lasers of 532 nm and 785 nm with micromanipulation system.  The Computational Chemistry lab houses multiple compute nodes with the Q-Chem program package for quantum chemical calculations and CHARMM molecular simulation program for molecular dynamics simulations.

The Physics Department maintains two laboratories for physics activities and a computer electronics laboratory. A small shop area is used for apparatus repair and fabrication. Available instruments include: a four-inch electromagnet; a Bausch and Lomb grating spectrograph; a Tel-X-Ometer x-ray spectrometer and a variety of lasers. A GCA McPherson 0.3 meter grating monochrometer and a Stanford Research Systems lock-in amplifier are used for research on optical properties of materials. A Nucleus Corporation gamma ray scintillation spectrometer, which is equipped for radon studies, is also used for research. The electronics lab contains stations fully equipped with Tektronix and Keithley instruments and a large assortment of microcomputers for interfacing studies. The department also has a remote observing workstation to access the NASA Infrared 3-meter telescope located on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic

The Iona College Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic is a state of the art teaching facility that is open five days a week and offers a full range of speech, language and hearing services to children and adults. Undergraduate seniors and registered Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate students are eligible to conduct speech and language services. These services are under the supervision of state licensed and certified speech-language pathologists. The clinic houses the most up-to-date diagnostic and treatment materials using an electronic medical record system for charting, and a video monitoring system in each therapy room. The clinic is conveniently located right off the main campus at 83 Clove Road.

Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel (Formerly St. Mary’s Chapel)

Blessed Edmund Rice Chapel is the house of prayer for the Christian Brothers who live and work here at Iona.  It is open for use to the college community through daily mass (noon, Monday-Friday) and other prayer services. Members of the College community are welcome to visit the chapel at any time during the day for quiet prayer. The chapel can be found on the north side of the campus, behind the Columba parking lot, adjacent to the Social Work House on Beechmont Drive.


The performing art productions of The Fine and Performing Arts Department including the Iona College Dance Ensemble, the Iona College Music Ensembles and the Iona College Theatre Ensemble are held in Murphy Auditorium, Romita Auditorium and Doorley Auditorium. Additional performances by the Iona Players and the Singers are held in Arrigoni Center, Murphy Auditorium and Doorley Auditorium. There are a number of co-curricular activities and on-campus art exhibits, cultural events and performances sponsored by the Iona College Council on the Arts, all of which contribute to the intellectual, cultural and social development of the student.